Renergen taps first natural gas through its plant in Virginia

Published Jul 12, 2022


Onshore gas mining company Renergen, the first in South Africa, on Friday completed the introduction of its first natural gas to plant process – a crucial step towards full-plant commissioning.

Gas to plant was achieved by opening the main inlet line from the gas-gathering system to the process plant, and then to the natural gas filtration and pre-compression system.

The aim was to verify the plant safety systems and complete the full commissioning and operational testing of the emergency and operational flare systems.

“We have worked to position the Virginia Gas Project as a globally significant LN and helium producer, and we are very close to delivering on this goal.

“Now we know that the plant is safe and crucial start-up risks have been addressed, the remaining steps are purely mechanical, which is a major source of relief to everyone,” chief executive Stefano Marani said in a statement.

Final commissioning work-streams would be completed over the coming weeks, with commercial operation commencing once customer sites were ready to begin accepting the product. Renergen expected this to occur towards the end of July, 2022.