Avoid a thirsty holiday: fuel-saving tips for this December

If you are heading off for the holiday season this year, MasterDrive has provided some tips to potentially reduce fuel consumption by as much as 20%. Photographer: Dave Thompson/Bloomberg

If you are heading off for the holiday season this year, MasterDrive has provided some tips to potentially reduce fuel consumption by as much as 20%. Photographer: Dave Thompson/Bloomberg

Published Dec 16, 2022


This month’s fuel price adjustment boded both good and bad news for motorists, depending on their vehicle.

Users of petrol cars are paying 59c extra per litre whereas diesel users saw a much-needed decrease of R1.59.

Either way, holiday trips this December will still be hefty with fuel prices above R20/l.

If you are heading off for the holiday season this year, MasterDrive provides tips to potentially reduce fuel consumption by as much as 20%.

Tyre it right

Underinflated tyres cause more drag and increase fuel consumption. It adds an extra expense as underinflated tyres also wear faster.

Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations and buy a decent tyre gauge – it is an investment – as most forecourts gauges are inaccurate.

Top condition

Ensure services are up-to-date and where necessary replace those that directly affect fuel consumption like air filters, tyres, and even brakes – all of which can require your vehicle to work harder and increase consumption.

Easy on

Keep your revs below 3 000RPM.

With diesel engine vehicles this can drop to 2 500RPM

Lose some weight

Extra weight is inevitable on annual holiday trips, but remove any unnecessary items from your vehicle. Every extra 50kg reduces consumption by about 2%.

Speed kills

And it also reduces fuel consumption. Reducing speed by 20km/h can result in up to 20% savings.

Drop the bulk

Where possible avoid roof racks and rather choose options with less affect on aerodynamics.

Tow the line

Ensure trailers or caravans are in just as good a condition as your vehicle. Slowing down and driving smoothly while towing, also helps save fuel. Only fill caravan water tanks upon arrival at your destination to reduce weight.

Keep calm and drive

Avoid reckless and aggressive driving, as sudden acceleration and braking consumes more fuel.

Cruising along: be selective about when to use cruise control. It is more effective on even roads with minimal traffic than inclines or busy roads.

Stay cool

On hot days park in shady spots where possible so the aircon requires less effort and, consequently, less fuel to cool the car when driving again.