It is not over, lift the carpet and see what lies beneath

President of South Africa Cyril Ramaphosa responding to his SONA speech in the National Assembly, Parliament. The envisaged Minister of Electricity on top of the Minister of Public Enterprises and the Minister of Minerals and Energy is a confirmation that the President does not have what is required to fire non-performing ministers, the writer says. Picture Cindy Waxa/AFRICAN NEWS AGENCY/ANA

President of South Africa Cyril Ramaphosa responding to his SONA speech in the National Assembly, Parliament. The envisaged Minister of Electricity on top of the Minister of Public Enterprises and the Minister of Minerals and Energy is a confirmation that the President does not have what is required to fire non-performing ministers, the writer says. Picture Cindy Waxa/AFRICAN NEWS AGENCY/ANA

Published Feb 17, 2023


When a loaded truck skips a traffic light and just misses a school bus crossing, it is not over just because there was no collision this time.

Reading through the eloquent SONA speech of the President one can almost believe all the good intentions and quotes of figure and actions mentioned.

President Ramaphosa in his SONA speech stated: “The people of South Africa want action; they want solutions, and they want government to work for them. He went on and said, “It was hope that sustained our struggle for freedom, and it is hope that swells our sails as we steer our country out of turbulent waters to calmer seas.”

Two recent events took away the little wind left in our sails and left people fuming and left citizens infuriated and frustrated.

The first was the saga around the R1 billion Tottenham Hotspur scandal, the second was the decision to announce a state of disaster during the SONA and the reasoning that accompanied it, the Minister who will direct the implementation.

The envisaged Minister of Electricity on top of the Minister of Public Enterprises and the Minister of Minerals and Energy is a confirmation that the President does not have what is required to fire non-performing ministers.

The President states “National Treasury estimates that the government could achieve a potential saving of R27 billion in the medium term if it deals with overlapping mandates, closes ineffective programmes, and consolidates SOEs where appropriate.”

In one speech he says we will undo overlapping and consolidate and then he appoints an additional minister on top, under or somewhere in between two other Ministers and the three of them fall under the Presidential SOE Council to establish a state-owned holding company which itself falls under the Presidential ministry.

When a ball is kicked in their direction it would be comical to watch how they work out who should field it.

We deliberate about the social income grant of R350 per month. SASSA Social Relief of Distress Grant (SRD 350), a grant of R350 per month for 6 months to be paid to individuals who are currently unemployed.

Whilst this debate is ongoing the Department of Tourism came up with a plan to sponsor an overseas soccer club with R1 billion.

They claim such a sponsorship would lead to a gain of R88 billion on foreign spending in SA! To put R1 billion into perspective, such an amount can provide almost 3,000,000 grants, the saying charity begins at home.

There is a lack of transparency, and accountability and a total disregard of the valid anger of ordinary citizens towards the ultimate person where the buck stops. The Minister of Tourism, Lindiwe Sisulu did not engage on the real issue, she instead concentrated on distancing herself from the department of which she is the Minister.

The explanation offered was “This reported deal, is purely a SAT board matter on which Minister Sisulu has not been formally briefed by the board. Like any other board, the SAT board is independent, and Minister Sisulu does not interfere with its decisions.”

In her Executive Authority Statement, 2022/2023, Minister Sisulu states “more still needs to be done to turn the Department of Tourism and government in general, into a department that is much more responsive to the needs of our people.” Does she really think “our people’s needs include an English soccer club.”

One would much rather have seen her calling the responsible people to order for their total lack of insight and priorities’.

This is the tip of an Iceberg, Minister, this is what your department’s thought processes produce. To this end, we have targeted key interventions to rejuvenate the tourism sector.

A Minister is supposed to give strategic direction and leadership and now she must take responsibility and accept she is accountable for her department.

How President Ramaphosa can tolerate such rudderless leadership is beyond comprehension. The President calls for “A professional public service, staffed by skilled, committed, and ethical people, is critical to an effective state and ending corruption, patronage and wastage.”

The Tourism department may just be the perfect place to start.

We need a transparent report from the department relating to their existing skills and a gap analysis of the required skills, and a timeline to rectify it. We would want them to disclose how they came to believe that the benefit to South Africa could come to R88 billion in spending via this sponsorship deal.

Comments on Eyewitness Facebook page carry the one comment after the other over this flagrant abuse and miscalculation and unprofessional conduct. Taxpayers are fighting with themselves not to join a tax revolt but this kind of dealing with their money will no longer be tolerated.

There are many who believe that the proposed new state holding company to house all commercial SOEs, will do nothing to fix the bankrupt SOE sector but will only serve as a new deployment station for ANC cadres. The current President is a likeable, calm and collected person, he just lack the ability to hand out strong medicine when required.

Corrie Kruger is an independent analyst.