Think Bigger – PSG adds bold collection of speakers to its webinar series

The host of the Think Big webinar series, Bruce Whitfield, continues to generate fascinating discussions with featured experts.

The host of the Think Big webinar series, Bruce Whitfield, continues to generate fascinating discussions with featured experts.

Published Aug 6, 2020


Following on the success of the first round of Think Big webinars, PSG is pleased to add several new speakers to the series line-up.

“We’ve added to our collection of bigger picture thinkers to explore more topics, including the future of social governance, medical regulation and enforcement, and local and global financial markets, to name a few,” says Tracy Hirst, PSG’s Chief Marketing Officer. Hirst will be hosting a later discussion in the series on the future of media, featuring award-winning journalist and filmmaker, Richard Poplak.

The host of the Think Big webinar series is Bruce Whitfield, who continues to generate fascinating discussions with featured experts. “I feel so privileged to be tapping into some of the country’s sharpest minds and look forward to sharing those conversations with you,” he says.

“Richard Poplak will warn us that the destruction of truth is what the world is currently about. Our aim with this series is therefore to empower viewers with facts so as to formulate their own opinions and to manage their expectations on how various aspects of the current situation in South Africa and globally, could unfold,” adds Hirst.

Prof. Thuli Madonsela, Graeme Smith and Prof. Glenda Gray are among the first of the new speakers added to the Think Big webinar series line-up.

“We’re delighted that such prominent individuals have agreed to engage with us – and subsequently our audiences - on issues close to South African’s hearts and minds,” says Hirst. “We think the Think Big series touches on many important themes and trust the webinars will add value to viewers’ thinking,” Hirst says.

To book your free, virtual seat for PSG’s Think Big sessions, please sign up here:


Don’t miss any of the upcoming webinars during the months of August and September:

Tuesday 11 August

09h00 - 10h00

Topic: The Future of Social Governance

Prof. Thuli Madonsela​, Professor at Stellenbosch University and former Public Protector of South Africa

Leon Taylor, Group Legal and Compliance, PSG

Register to attend here.

Tuesday 18 August

09h00 - 10h00

Topic: The Future of South African Cricket

Graeme Smith, Director of Cricket South Africa and former Proteas Captain

Brett Lambert, Head: PSG Wealth Distribution

Register to attend here.

Tuesday 25 August

09h00 - 10h00

Topic: Future of Medical Regulation and Enforcement

Prof. Glenda Gray, CEO and President of the South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC)

Sylvester Appasamy​, PSG Wealth Employee Benefits Financial Adviser, Healthcare

Register to attend here.

Tuesday 1 September

09h00 - 10h00

Topic: The Future of Local and Global Financial Markets

Dr. Leila Fourie, CEO of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE)

Etienne De Waal, Chief Executive Officer, PSG Wealth

Register to attend here.

Tuesday 8 September

09h00 - 10h00

Topic: The Future of the Commercial Property Market

Estienne de Klerk, CEO of Growthpoint Properties

Greg Hopkins, Chief Investment Officer, PSG Asset Management

Register to attend here.

Tuesday 15 September

09h00 - 10h00

Topic: The Future of the Entrepreneur

Bronwyn Williams, Futurist, Economist and Business Trends Analyst

Henriette Senekal​, Chief Executive, PSG Insure Short Term Administration

Register to attend here.

Tuesday 22 September

09h00 - 10h00

Topic: The Future of Media, Journalism and Freedom of Speech

Richard Poplak​, Award winning journalist and filmmaker from Daily Maverick

Tracy Hirst, Chief Marketing Officer, PSG

Register to attend here.

You can also catch-up on past webinar discussions in the Think Big series here.

Affiliates of the PSG Konsult Group are authorised financial services providers.