Water restrictions: How you can still clean your car

Don’t rush for the water. First use a microfibre cloth to wipe the dust off your car. A microfibre cloth will not scratch the paint.

Don’t rush for the water. First use a microfibre cloth to wipe the dust off your car. A microfibre cloth will not scratch the paint.

Published Apr 20, 2018


Cape Town - Cape Town’s current drought has forced many to use water wisely. With restrictions of less-than-two-minute showers and each person allocated 50 litres of water per day, we know all too well that every drop of water counts.

But what are you to do when you can’t find your car in the parking lot because it has changed colour due to the dirt? Do you give it the TLC it shouts out for - or not?

The short answer is…yes! It’s possible to wash your precious set of wheels and get it sparkling clean without wasting water - and getting “the look” from your neighbours.

No water!

Washing your car with water and shampoo is so “last year.” Think…washing your hands without water - think…hand sanitiser. But now for cars! You may not know it but there are many

So, who needs water now?

But if you really, really need to use water…

Dust before you wash

Don’t rush for the water. First use a microfibre cloth to wipe the dust off your car. A microfibre cloth will not scratch the paint. 

After dusting, using a bucket of water and soap, you can start washing. While your car is still wet, take a clean microfibre cloth and wipe dry. 

When it is completely clean, keep dusting every other day to prolong the intervals to the next wash.

Tip: use a bucket of grey water (water from the washing machine or bath) to wash your car.

Wax on, wax off

Choosing a waxy car polish is good for your beloved set of wheels. The wax acts as a waterproof layer that easily lets dirt run off – meaning your precious vehicle will stay cleaner for longer.

Or if your budget allows…take it to a commercial car wash

Another way to save water is by taking your car to an ecofriendly car wash. They generally reduce water consumption by recycling the water they use. A car wash that recycles can reportedly reuse up to 80 percent of water. Choosing this option will also save you time.

Wash regularly

Regular washes will prevent dirt from piling up on your car. Remember the waterless products and try to give your car a quick waterless wash every week or two to keep it sparkling.

Keeping your car looking as good as new is probably important to you. But what’s even more critical is having car insurance so that if anything happens to your set of wheels, you’ll be covered. 

And if you’d like to do a clean-up on your current insurance, why not get an obligation-free online insurance quote from MiWay? 

Drought or no drought, now’s the time to do it!