Ready, set, pedal! Premier Alan Winde cycles across the West Coast to donate 100 bicycles



Published Feb 17, 2022


Cape Town - Premier Alan Winde is currently embarking on a three-day cycle tour spanning 239km across the West Coast to donate 100 bicycles to neighbourhood watches.

After delivering his State of the Province address (Sopa) earlier in the week, and the Sopa debate, the premier and some of the officials from the provincial government started their cycle tour.

From February 16 to 18, the cycle tour will start in Velddrif, with numerous stops along the way in West Coast towns and will end off in Cape Town.

During the cycle tour, a total of 100 bicycles will be donated to neighbourhood watches in Velddrif, Vredenburg, Langebaan, Moorreesburg, Riebeeck West and Darling.

“The purpose of the cycle tour is to promote safety through mobility and will focus on what bicycles can do to connect communities and assist with service delivery,” Winde, said.

“I am looking forward to these engagements.”

The premier said that he was grateful to be joined on the tour by provincial cabinet members, cycling activists and those involved in the promotion of mobility across the West Coast.

“Thank you for setting an example for all in our province – highlighting the benefits that bicycles can bring in the Western Cape.”

The donation of bicycles is facilitated through the provincial Department of Transport and Public Work’s provincial Bicycle Distribution Programme, which has previously ensured the donation of bicycles to enhance scholar mobility, community safety initiatives, support small, medium and micro-enterprises, promote worker mobility, support food and medicine delivery, and related Covid-19 recovery initiatives.

Cape Argus