Letter: Fish Hoek High School ‘woke’ session was the worst of its kind

Published Nov 19, 2022


It was with concern that I read your article “School’s ‘diversity’ project suspended” (Cape Argus, November 4) and was glad you put “diversity” in inverted commas, since it was everything except simply a diversity project.

It comprised political indoctrination, instilling gender-dysphoria and identity-dysphoria, breaking down the self-respect and self-image of pupils, and worst of all it also included anti-Christian sacrilegious blasphemy.

This “woke” session as facilitated by diversity trainer and political analyst Asanda Ngoasheng was far worse than the worst “woke-ism” in the US – the “woke” capital of the world.

The indoctrination and intimidation session lasted for more than two and a half hours, during which time pupils were prevented from leaving the hall. The fact that no teacher was allowed and the principal was excluded should have raised red flags. A gold medal should go to those pupils who were able to escape and alert staff as to the abnormalities taking place.

In “Fish Hoek High backlash: diversity trainer responds” (Cape Argus, Nov 10) Ngoasheng said the “uproar is the result of not talking openly about the country’s apartheid past”.

This is nonsense. The session consisted of an attack on personal and gender identity, promoting gender fluidity and causing serious confusion and dysphoria as to what type of person the pupils actually were. Many pupils were instructed that they should be ashamed of the colour of their skin – something over which they have no control.

The dysphoria created extended to the value system of the students and their religious beliefs, causing damage and confusion of the worst kind.

No wonder some pupils escaped in horror from the hall when confronted with this type of sacrilegious nonsense. This is blasphemy of the worst kind. It can only be assumed that Ngoasheng is not a Christian.

There is no justification whatsoever to propagate this type of sacrilegious blasphemy and imprint it on the minds of pupils. Especially not right before matric exams.

If Christian pupils and parents react to such religious blasphemy then they are branded as conservative right wing voices. Is this ethically correct?

I wonder how Muslims would react if their children were formally instructed that Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) and Allah (Peace be Upon Him) are queer and transgender and involved in twisted love triangles?

I invite all Muslims and Jews of the Abrahamic faiths to join Christians in stopping these twisted “woke” diversity projects at schools that result in demonising Christianity.

* Dr Bernhard Ficker, Somerset West.

** The views expressed here are not necessarily those of Independent Media.

Cape Argus

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