Positive response to nuclear, says Eskom

File picture: Sam Clark

File picture: Sam Clark

Published Feb 1, 2017


Eskom said on Wednesday it had received a positive response from the market to the request for information (RFI) issued in relation to the proposed South African Nuclear New Build Programme.

The power utility said some 27 companies had stated they intended to provide a response to the RFI, including major nuclear vendors from China (SNPTC), France (EdF), Russia (Rosatom Overseas) and South Korea (KEPCO).

Eskom interim group chief executive Matshela Koko said: "Eskom is looking forward to the information supplied to confirm our understanding of the key issues that impact the timing and affordability of a nuclear programme."

Eskom said while the intention to submit a response to the RFI did not commit a company to submit a response to a potential future request for proposal (RFP), the quantum of the response to Eskom's RFI showed the level of competitive interest in the Nuclear New Build Programme.

Read also: Eskom to issue request on nuclear

Eskom issued the RFI on its website in December 2016 and asked companies that felt they could provide relevant information to confirm by January 31 they would be submitting a response to it.

The cabinet in June designated Eskom as the procurer, owner and operator for the multimillion-rand nuclear build programme to initially provide 9.6 gigawatts of nuclear energy at least by 2030.

But according to the base case scenario in the integrated resource plan unveiled by Energy Minister Tina Joemat-Pettersson in November, only 1 359 megawatt of nuclear power would be added to the country's energy mix by 2037 and the volume of renewable energy would rise significantly.

African News Agency

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