Man running from Cape Town to London in 381 days

Deo Kato began his journey on July 24 at the Long March to Freedom monument in Cape Town.

Deo Kato began his journey on July 24 at the Long March to Freedom monument in Cape Town.

Published Aug 24, 2023


Ugandan trail runner and running coach Deo Kato says he has taken on the mammoth task to run from Cape Town to London, in protest of racial injustice and to tell the story of the history of human migration.

The London-based trail runner is running 14 570 km in 381 days. The journey will cover two continents and 16 countries.

He began his journey on July 24 at the Long March to Freedom monument in Cape Town.

“I’m running from Cape Town to London to tell the story of the history of human migration. Science has proven the first humans that ever walked on Earth were from Africa. It’s necessary to tell this story.

“It’s about showing that everybody who lives on this planet comes from Africa, and even though our skin colour is different, we’re all the same and that we all stem from the same place. By going on this, I will tell the history of human migration from Africa to the rest world,” he said.

Kato is no stranger to running for a cause. He committed to running a minimum of 10km a day for 381 days after the murder of George Floyd in the US in 2020.

“I was inspired by the Montgomery Bus Boycott of 1955, when African Americans in Alabama staged a civil rights protest that lasted for 381 days. The 381days; Running For Justice movement then turned into a relay, and the run community took on stints to run 10km for the second and third years of the campaign.

“During my 381 days – running for justice movement – I have campaigned by running distances of more than 10km, including half marathons, marathons and ultra-marathon challenges…

“In 2022, I ran the London Marathon twice, from the finish line to the start line and then from the start line to the finish line, while carrying a banner campaigning against the murders of unarmed black people in the UK,” he said

Kato has said one person will travel with him for support.

Follow Deo Kato on social media for regular updates on his journey.

@deoruns Day 28 #ProjectCapeTowntoLondon running to tell the History of Human Migration from Africa to the rest of the world. #Continental #running #Africa #southafrica #humanmigration ♬ original sound - Deo

Cape Times

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