Residents support cancer awareness fun walk and colour run



Published Oct 23, 2022


Cape Town - The Grassy Park Youth Desk Crime Prevention Unit hosted their annual cancer awareness programme at the Vaderlandsche Rietvlei Stables, Philippi Farm at the weekend, where residents came out in support of the Cancer Fun Walk and Colour Run.

The unit held the event in collaboration with CANSA.

The Grassy Park Youth Desk Crime Prevention Unit hosted the annual cancer awareness programme at the weekend.

Youth Desk chairperson, Saadiqah Ganief, said about 100 residents came to show their support at the fun-filled event.

“These activities were all at a fee as this fundraiser was aimed at generating funds to donate to CANSA towards their research and educational programmes and support that they do.

“We focused on the importance of your health and taking it seriously.”

About 100 people participated in the event.

Gafsa Davids from CANSA, spoke as a cancer survivor and gave her advice and motivation to those who were living with cancer.

“Detection of cancer in the early stages means a successful chance of treatment and for it to work.

“Your body shouldn't be taken for granted.

“Get to know your body and be responsible and proactive at taking care of one's health.

“These statements echoed as it was impactful and well resourced for the participants whom varied from various ages between children of 5 years old, youth, adults and seniors of the community,” said Ganief.

Ganief said they were elated with the support of the community.

“The Grassy Park Youth Desk Crime Prevention Unit are elated by the turn out out of communities in support of the event. The Grassy Park CPF and SAPS supported the programme as well and participated in the activities of the day. We wish to thank all those who have generously offered up their time to be a part of an educational health awareness project and support shown towards CANSA,” said Ganief.

Cape Times