UKZN student with cerebral palsy graduates with Master’s

UKZN Masters graduate Nkululeko Muthwa has set his sights on pursuing a PhD. Picture: UKZN

UKZN Masters graduate Nkululeko Muthwa has set his sights on pursuing a PhD. Picture: UKZN

Published May 11, 2023


Cape Town - The journey towards walking the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) graduation stage was not easy for Masters graduate Nkululeko Muthwa.

Muthwa, who uses a wheelchair due to cerebral palsy, was thrilled to graduate with his Master’s in Social Sciences for his research that looked at South Africa's ability to combat human trafficking.

He has now set his sights on obtaining a PhD.

“In the recent years, there are signs of slow progression in prosecuting cases related to human trafficking. We should be capacitating the public, officials, and servants on human trafficking through education.

“The Department of Higher Learning and Technology can play a pivotal role in encouraging and supporting research on human trafficking,” said Muthwa.

He said he believed that his study would give society an opportunity to do an introspection on how the country could deal with human trafficking and create awareness about the magnitude of human trafficking and the types of trafficking that occurred.

Muthwa required full-time assistance due to his cerebral palsy and had to stay with his mother, Tina, intermittently on campus.

He also utilised a helper through the NSFAS funding allowance for human support.

Tina said the journey was not easy.

“Nkululeko is my first child, born with a disability. I had to enrol him at St. Raphael's School in Yellowwood Park. Due to his inability to type fast (he can only use one finger to type), his grade 4 teacher advised that he needed to break the class into years. He did the same grade for two years. Nkululeko had to take half of his subjects for a year and continue with the remaining subjects the next year. He persevered. His marks were always good.

“With the help of my late grandmother, we were always by his side. After passing his matric, he started at UKZN. For a time, I had to leave home and stayed with him at the residence, helping him dress up, cooking and preparing food for him. I am proud to have a son like him. I cry tears of joy when I see how hard my son has worked and his achievements,” she said.

Muthwa was a Residence Assistant responsible for 100 – 150 students at Townley Williams Hall residence on the Howard College campus and served on the Differently Abled Students Association.

Cape Times