Letter: Sacrilegious blasphemy at high school

Published Nov 15, 2022


By Dr Bernhard Ficker

Cape Town - The contents of the report “Fish Hoek High intervention suspension questioned” (Cape Times, November 10) are a matter of deep concern.

In it the ANC spokesperson for education in the Western Cape, Khalid Sayed, stated that “David Maynier’s inconsistency in this matter is politically expedient and panders to conservative right-wing voices who don’t want white racism to be tackled at a fundamental level”. Really?

It is unfortunately clear that Sayed does not have a clue of what he is talking about or what took place.

This “woke” session as facilitated by diversity trainer and political analyst Asanda Ngoasheng was far worse than what takes place in the US which is the “woke” capital of the world.

The indoctrination and intimidation session lasted for more that two-and-a-half hours, during which time pupils were prevented from leaving the hall.

The session consisted of an attack on personal and gender identity, promoting gender fluidity and causing serious confusion as to what type of person the pupils actually were.

Many pupils were instructed that they should be ashamed of their birthing suit and the colour of the skin in which they were born, something over which they have no control whatsoever.

The poem that Ngoasheng read to the pupils states the following:

This blue eyed and blond haired Jesus I followed in Sunday school

Has had my kind bowing to a white and patriarchal heaven

Bowing to a Christ, his son, and 12 disciples

For all we know the disciples could have been queer,

The holy trinity some weird twisted love triangle

And the Holy Ghost transgender This is blasphemy of the worst kind.

In conclusion it should be pointed out that the comment in this report that a teacher used racial slurs during a lesson in May is devoid of all truth.

The teacher did the exact opposite and indicated what words should not be used.

The matter was fully investigated and the teacher was absolved from all blame.

Why keep on propagating this fake news?

Cape Times

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