DA retains Msunduzi ward with increased majority after councillor’s resignation

DA KZN leader, Francois Rodgers together with Reggie Khanyile, the DA candidate for Ward 25 in Msunduzi Local Municipality. Picture: DA KZN

DA KZN leader, Francois Rodgers together with Reggie Khanyile, the DA candidate for Ward 25 in Msunduzi Local Municipality. Picture: DA KZN

Published Mar 9, 2023


Durban — The DA in KwaZulu-Natal has retained ward 25 in the Msunduzi Municipality with an increased majority.

This was after a by-election was held following the resignation of councillor Mike Bond who was moved to become a member of parliament.

In the early hours of Thursday morning, KZN DA leader Francois Rodgers said the DA had retained ward 25 Msunduzi with an increased majority.

“The DA in KwaZulu-Natal has retained Ward 25 in the Msunduzi Local Municipality by 96%, an increase from 88% in the 2021 Local Government Elections,” Rodgers said.

“As we head into the 2024 elections we are encouraged by the trust that citizens of KZN continue to have in the DA.

Rodgers said that residents are rejecting years of neglect by the ANC government and are instead opting for a party that puts their interests first and has a track record of good governance.

“The DA can do in Msunduzi what we have done in uMngeni,” Rodgers said.

“The province of KwaZulu-Natal can only operate effectively under a DA government,” he said.

On Wednesday, Rodgers and candidate Reggie Khanyile visited voting stations in Msunduzi ward 25 to encourage residents to keep their ward DA.

Khanyile grew up in the ward and is a current resident. He has the support of both the DA’s provincial and national leadership.

Meanwhile, in January, the DA retained ward 28 in Msunduzi following a by-election.

Rodgers said the ANC has systematically brought the city of Msunduzi to a state of total collapse. The DA has, however, once again proven that it is the only effective alternative to the ANC.

Even then, Rodgers said Msunduzi can only work under a DA government. As they have proven in uMngeni, the DA ensures that the needs of voters are placed ahead of those of the party.

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