A man who stole prayer poles was released after the homeowner declined to register a criminal case in Phoenix. Picture: Reaction Unit SA
Durban — A prayer pole thief got off scot-free in Phoenix after a homeowner refused to report the matter.
A man in his forties had stolen two prayer poles from a house on Trenance Park Drive in Palmview, Phoenix, on Monday.
Reaction Unit South Africa (Rusa) spokesperson Prem Balram, said a Rusa member who was patrolling in the area was flagged by a passer-by who asked for help in apprehending a suspect, and recovering stolen goods.
“The reaction officer searched the area and spotted a suspect carrying the stolen goods. He abandoned the metal poles and fled through a pathway. The officer pursued on foot and apprehended him,” Balram said.
“The man was released after the homeowner declined to register a criminal case.”
Reacting to the incident on Facebook, this is what people had to say:
Michelle Ramgopal said the suspect had no shame.
Mark Naicker said: “That’s the problem in Phoenix, people don’t want to register cases and these criminals continue with their behaviour. Things will not change if residents don’t get serious about crime!!!”
Prevan Subrayen said: “These legends risk their lives to bring thieves to justice. By not even opening a case why would they continue helping if we don’t help them too?
Mkheshane Senzo Shangase said: “I think it’s about time our govt. passes a law which gives authorities the right to register a case. If a woman is beaten and she later reconciles with an abuser the State must still proceed with the case. Like the officer who did everything must still proceed with the case.”
Sharona Aaryana Singh said: “This is why I rather stick to bamboo. It's traditional and the correct thing to use, I have no time to act fancy and invite rogues.”
Rajhan Dhoopraj said: “That homeowner wasted everyone's time by not reporting. You must report no matter how small the incident. Statistics are extremely important for ensuring a police station has sufficient Police and vehicles.”
Imtiaz Buckas said: “If the owner doesn't want to open a case, give the poles back to the criminal and give him a lift and ask him where he wants to go, as stuff you to that homeowner. Or if homeowners don't open cases, Rusa should bill the homeowners for services rendered, a nice thick bill if there’s the refusal to open a case.”
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