Hope and smiles at Seatides

Excited voters in line at the Seatides voting station on the North Coast. Photo: Monishka Govender

Excited voters in line at the Seatides voting station on the North Coast. Photo: Monishka Govender

Published May 31, 2024


Durban — The Seatides Combined School’s voting station in Seatides on the North Coast was bustling with excitement and anticipation on voting day.

Voters were in great spirits with bright smiles as the queue to make their mark moved at a steady pace.

There were parents, grandparents, young adults and even children with puppies (accompanying their parents) standing in line.

It was also an opportunity for old friends who hadn’t seen one another in a while to catch up. Older voters were excited to cast their vote again, as they did 30 years ago.

With music playing and everyone in a jovial mood, the atmosphere was euphoric. The ANC even attempted last-minute campaigning, hoping to convince voters one more time before they made their mark.

However, most of the voters we spoke to already had their minds set on which party they would vote for.

Freddy Perumal was so excited about the day that, even though he was over 60 years of age, he refused to stand in the special line for the seniors.

Perumal wanted to soak up the ambiance of the day by chatting with everyone and talking about the change he hoped to see for future generations.

“I’m very excited for today (Wednesday) because I’m hoping for change. We need a change and it’s here and now. The voting process is going well so far and the atmosphere is good,” he said.

One thing that was evident throughout the experience was the optimistic mood of every voter.

The anticipation of change kept everyone wanting to be part of a day that could hopefully change their lives for the better.

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