'I'm a born free and believe the DA regards Indians as low-hanging fruit'

DA leader Mmusi Maimane visited the Phoenix last week. Picture: ANA PICS

DA leader Mmusi Maimane visited the Phoenix last week. Picture: ANA PICS

Published Jan 30, 2019


OPINION - I refer to the article “Wake up Indians, DA is clinging to the past”, (Daily News, January 22).

I am a born-free South African of Indian descent. My parents refuse to believe the DA is only using the Indian community for their votes.

When I explain that the party does not care about the welfare of our community and relate to them, the DA’s silence when Julius Malema attacked Indian businesses as being exploitative in their treatment of black employees - and also their failure to flex their muscles to galvanise the authorities to address the grave situation concerning land invasions in so-called Indian areas - they look at me as if I am crazy.

I come from a family where my parents have this perception and belief that white is right. They have always voted for the DA and will continue to do so.

My family is a microcosm of a large percentage of the South African Indian community.

This is why the DA regards the Indian electorate as low-hanging fruit that can easily be plucked when elections are held.

And we are quick to complain and fight back when blacks criticise us for being racist.

As a member of the born-free generation of South Africans, I will make it my duty to influence the older generation to see that apartheid is dead and buried and the relics of the past must not infringe on our new democracy.

Daily News

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