Search for Durban man continues

Nicholas Fuller’s vehicle has been found in a local shopping centre’s parking lot, however there is no trace of the missing 35-year-old man. Picture: Supplied

Nicholas Fuller’s vehicle has been found in a local shopping centre’s parking lot, however there is no trace of the missing 35-year-old man. Picture: Supplied

Published Aug 3, 2022


Durban — It has been seven weeks since Nicholas Fuller went missing in Durban.

Dawn Gounden of Renegade Search and Rescue and family spokesperson said July 12 marked a month since Fuller went missing.

The Carrington Heights resident left home on June 12, 2022, and has not returned.

Fuller was last seen at around 9.30pm. He was driving a charcoal-grey Hyundai, ND 872 231.

Fuller was last seen wearing a red jersey, beige pants and grey takkies.

He has short brown hair and tattoos on his left arm.

Days later, Fuller's vehicle was found abandoned in a parking lot at Westwood Mall.

Gounden said that family members and Renegades Search & Rescue members continue to search for Fuller, and that the police investigations have changed from a missing person docket to a case of kidnapping.

“We’ve been circulating flyers with different pictures of him on social media, exposing him as much as possible.

“His family is traumatised and distraught,” she said.

Gounden said there has been no communication from Fuller since his disappearance and his cellphone has been switched off.

“The police are working tirelessly to bring him back home to his family safely,” Gounden said.

Nicholas Fuller kidnapping poster

She said she advised his family to check police stations, hospitals, prisons and mortuaries because she had found people in those institutions.

She added that she, the family and investigating officer regularly checked those institutions.

“With missing persons, SAPS will do all their procedures, with Nicholas, there’s CCTV footage,” Gounden said.

She said Fuller’s flyers have their contact details because the public would inform them about any information they have because they might be sceptical to contact the police. Some would send prayers to Fuller, his family and the Renegade team.

“Especially with Nicholas, we’ve received lots of feedback, support and prayers for the team,” she said.

Gounden added that they have received lots of feedback regarding the case.

“We humbly request assistance from the public with factual information on the whereabouts or any sightings of Nicolas. This information will be dealt with the utmost confidentiality and investigated, the information supplied for investigation MUST be verified to ascertain his whereabouts,” Gounden said.

Daily News