Teen murder trial nears tails end

Murdered teen’s mom Jorina Pretorius had this candle made in his memory observing the 18 months since his killing. In March last year, 15-year-old Jayden Glazer was allegedly stabbed after school by a 16-year-old grade 10 fellow pupil in Ashley, Pinetown. Picture: Supplied.

Murdered teen’s mom Jorina Pretorius had this candle made in his memory observing the 18 months since his killing. In March last year, 15-year-old Jayden Glazer was allegedly stabbed after school by a 16-year-old grade 10 fellow pupil in Ashley, Pinetown. Picture: Supplied.

Published Dec 5, 2023


Durban — The cross-examination of a teen accused of stabbing and killing a fellow pupil is set to continue next week in the Pinetown Magistrate’s Court.

The trial was heard on November 27 and 28 when it was adjourned to December 13.

In March last year, 15-year-old Jayden Glazer was allegedly stabbed after school by a 16-year-old Grade 10 fellow pupil in Ashley, Pinetown.

This had been nine months before his 16th birthday.

The two teens both attended Chosen Independent Studies where Glazer was in Grade 9.

It’s alleged that on the day of the stabbing, there had been a fistfight between Glazer and the accused, who can’t be named as he is still a minor.

The 17-year-old who was 16 at the time of the commission of the offence faces a charge of murder. The trial is being heard in-camera due to him being underage as well as other witnesses.

So far the court has heard evidence from a teen who had recorded the moments leading up to Glazer’s stabbing on his cellphone.

He has told the court that a fistfight had allegedly been set on that day, it was there that the accused allegedly stabbed Glazer.

The video clip was played in court. In it, Jayden is seen walking to the boys with his hands behind his back, he had no weapon. Then the accused just stabs him, and then Jayden lays there on the grass bleeding out.

Previously the “Daily News” reported that Glazer’s mother, Jorina Pretorius, who had been at court, said that voices in the video could be heard saying, “No weapons, we said no weapons”.

The accused is currently out on warning and released into the care of his grandmother.

The trial began in June and was heard over four days that month. In July on the day it was meant to be heard it was adjourned to August where it was heard over two days.

It resumed on October 2, when it was adjourned to October 5 for the State to finalise evidence from its second witness.

The case was then adjourned to October 12 for the State’s third and final witness, and then to October 16 after the State finished with this witness. The State closed its case last month.

This month it was heard over three days where the defence presented evidence to the court with the teen accused taking the stand.

The matter will resume next Wednesday for possible finalisation.

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