LETTER: Girl goes to matric dance in a coffin

A screenshot of the viral video. Picture: Screenshot.

A screenshot of the viral video. Picture: Screenshot.

Published May 9, 2024


A 17-year-old girl in Phoenix has become an instant sensation on social media. She shocked everyone by going to her matric dance in a coffin! How ridiculous, absurd, bizarre and outrageous could she be? In fact, I am lost for words. Maybe Kevin Govender with his highfalutin words could describe this crazy incident better than me.

A matric dance is one of the highlights of a school calendar. Teenagers, especially girls, look forward to it eagerly and spend a lot of time and money preparing for this grand event. They want to look their best and wear stunning outfits to catch as much attention as possible. Some even arrive in chauffeur-driven limousines to the dance. But who would have had the audacity to come to a dance in a huge hearse and then pop out of the casket to the astonishment of the crowd? Social media was abuzz with comments about the “coffin girl” and ranged from strong disapproval and distaste to disgust and condemnation.

Naturally, the family is upset that the girl is now the target of social media. One family member explained that the girl had meant no harm or disrespect. She only wanted to make a dramatic entrance. She wanted to be different and became a hit on social media. So she got what she wanted. The public has a right to express its views. I cannot understand what the fuss is about.

In the first place, her family should have cautioned her against this bizarre idea. After all, she is only a teenager and needs guidance. Surely the adults should have known that this outrageous act would create an uproar in the community and make the girl become a target for derision and mockery. And shouldn’t the funeral undertaker have sense enough not to allow such a stupid thing? It is too late to feel aggrieved.

The trouble these days is parents are accommodating and lax with their children. It has become a trend in modern families to give whatever the child wants. Parents often argue that they do not want to deprive their children of things they did not have. I think it is a puerile argument.

But I do feel sorry for this girl. She is the butt of so much ridicule. The parents should take the rap. Hopefully, she will put this nasty incident behind her and get on with her studies.

Attention-seekers are known for their weird, antisocial behaviour. But even if this ride-in-a-coffin is not a world first, it surely takes the cake!


Daily News

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