To thrive we need exposure to diverse insights

Anolene Thangavelu Pillay is a Psychology Advisor. | Supplied

Anolene Thangavelu Pillay is a Psychology Advisor. | Supplied

Published Jul 21, 2024



In an era of realignment, those we surround ourselves with have an extraordinary impact on our lives, and shaping who we are.

The influence of these individuals on our personal and professional successes is greater than our genetic make-up at birth.

Living in multiplicity, and connecting with like-minded individuals can be beneficial. It is equally beneficial, enlightening and challenging to intentionally search for the “unlike-minded”, those who have opposing viewpoints to achieve a balance between the extremes in our lives.

This article aims to enhance our thinking by embracing the differences between like-minded and unlike-minded individuals.

Attempting to make sense of it all brings into focus an old saying, “Everything happens for a reason, and that reason is there to help me’ and guide us to our ultimate destination.

In any given environment, including learning, family, society or the workplace - certain relationships are unplanned yet forged with like-minded or unlike-minded individuals.

To conserve our energy, we usually gravitate towards like-minded and overlook those who are unlike-minded. Individuals who are unlike-minded are those who have different backgrounds, beliefs, habits and perspectives. Even so, our exposure to these behaviours challenges us to perceive aspects from a different perspective.

Despite those differing thinking patterns, unlike-minded thinking still offers inspiration and a window into curiosity that broadens our horizons. Individuals who are open-minded tend to have more space for self-reflection by questioning life-altering choices. Without encountering individuals who have opposing views, these choices would not have been questioned or surfaced.

To thrive rather than stagnate, a mix of attitudes from across the spectrum would be beneficial. Understanding the opinions of individuals who differ may be challenging, question: what can I learn from this experience?

Without realising it, you gain mental strength while learning valuable life lessons.

Personal and professional growth can be facilitated by differences between like-minded and unlike-minded individuals. These valuable lessons are best learned through personal interactions in various environments, not through textbooks or coursework at learning centres.

Recognise the individuals who give you the most sense of security and confidence and whom you can trust over those who do not align with your personal values.

However, finding like-minded individuals who share similar values, opinions, interests or culture can be more than just a pleasant discovery.

Our social nature craves true emotional support, love and a sense of belonging. A safety zone is affirmed when individuals are surrounded by like-minded individuals who view the world through the same lens.

Without fear of ridicule, animosity or judgement, every individual requires someone to open up to. Socially relevant behaviours, beliefs, habits and thinking are agreed upon by like-minded individuals.

Maybe, the like-minded listen to others, but are they truly listening or are they always searching for validation that they are right?

Like-minded individuals are based on “being of one accord” and share similar characteristics associated with “group think”.

Over time, like-minded individuals allow their group’s beliefs to be their guide as “group think” takes over.

The downside is that the group overlooks relevant insights by adopting their perspectives instead of raising ‘“Why?” questions that could challenge the “group think” perception.

The drive to similarity comes with the downside of limited exposure to diverse ideas and beliefs. Establish authentic connections with supportive individuals who can accept your uniqueness, understand your path and help you thrive even when you feel discouraged from taking risks and leaps.

Technology connecting us across borders and time zones is a powerful force that cannot be underestimated in this digital era.

Either you are a professional seeking advice or a learner searching for much-needed emotional support. To achieve growth, it is important to expand your options by networking, sharing knowledge and collaborating with diverse individuals.

Engage in relevant content when exploring life goals across the globe. Employ digital etiquette mindfully to recognise appropriate boundaries and avoid oversharing personal information. Despite the digital era, sometimes being isolating, networking can bridge the gap by creating a sense of belonging. Peer support forums and online support networks offer a protected environment.

At times, why do we feel out of sync with ourselves? Our alignment may be out of balance due to an imbalance with daily life, unclear paths, defining our true self or our purpose is still unknown.

Become in-sync. Recognise individuals who embody their values, exude confidence and purpose and have a life that flows naturally since they are true to themselves. However, living in alignment with your values is a journey towards your true self, not just a choice.

To recognise the splendour of our differences between like-minded and unlike-minded individuals, demands us to question our identity, worth and personal values.

As we align the pieces of the puzzle, we gain the capacity to better understand the true meaning of life which directs us towards our life’s purpose.

Anolene Thangavelu Pillay is a psychology advisor.

Daily News