Dating coach expert Justin Cohen practices what he preaches in new book



Published Oct 8, 2020


Enhancing one’s life requires guidance and a starting point.

And it starts with a desire to want to change. Often it stems from being stuck in an emotional rut.

This is where self-help books come in handy. It generally talks to the needs of the reader.

After several decades in the industry, Justin Cohen has cultivated a strong following as a best-selling author and transformational coach.

He has graced many international stages, where his insight has enhanced the life of many.

Aside from currently lending his expertise on M-Net’s “Single Wives SA”, he also recently launched his new book, “Winning with Relationships - 21 Laws of Influence in Love and Business”.

This book launched during the Covid-19 lockdown, a time when self-reflection gained greater momentum.

Having written several books to date, Cohen was asked what makes this one exceptional.

He said: “This is my 6th book and probably my most important.

“ I wrote it as a man writes a treasure map, exhilarated for those who will use it to find all the bounty that only great relationships can deliver.

To date, several well-known figures have sung the praises of “Winning with Relationships - 21 Laws of Influence in Love and Business”

Best-selling author Justin Cohen. Picture: Supplied

“Today a peacock, tomorrow a feather duster. I am delighted that people are already getting so much value out of the book but you never arrive, you just visit, I try not to get too attached. I am always looking for new and better ways to serve,” Cohen added.

In this book, the author explores the full potential of people by empowering them with knowledge from cutting-edge research. He adds comic levity by including personal anecdotes, which makes the tips not only palatable but relatable, too.

“The subtitle of the book is ‘21 Laws of Influence in Love and Business’.

“Having been a global speaker and trainer in the corporate sector for the past 20 years it is very clear to me that great personal and business relationships require many of the same social skills: listening, appreciation, positive expectations, forgiveness, giving and receiving constructive feedback.

“Much of what it takes to win at home is what it takes to win at work,” he added.

“Our relationships are the single biggest predictor of success and happiness. Winning at life depends on knowing how to win with people.

“Yet most of us take our social skills for granted, spending very little time and effort trying to improve them.

“Our education system ignores them, prioritising technical skills, which may get us through the door, but won’t take us up the ladder.”

“Winning with Relationships - 21 Laws of Influence in Love and Business”. Picture: Supplied

Expanding on his decision to share personal experiences in the book, including an interesting encounter with Madiba, Cohen commented: “A Stanford University study showed that after listening to a speech, 60% of people remembered the stories, just 5% remembered the statistics.

“Stories are specific and emotional making them far more engaging and memorable.

“My third book was called, ‘The Astonishing Power of Stories: Master the Ultimate form of Influence’. I try to practice what I preach!”

In the meantime, Cohen is doing his doctorate at Middlesex University in London.

He revealed: “I have developed a new psychological transformation method called ‘Transcenda’ that I’m getting great results with.”

“Winning with Relationships - 21 Laws of Influence in Love and Business” is currently available at book stores.

It retails for R220. Anyone who would like to sign up for a free Breakthrough Masterclass can do so by going to

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