Ricky rubs it in at Golden Globes

Host Ricky Gervais in action during the 69th Annual Golden Globe Awards in Los Angeles. Photo: AP/NBC, Paul Drinkwater

Host Ricky Gervais in action during the 69th Annual Golden Globe Awards in Los Angeles. Photo: AP/NBC, Paul Drinkwater

Published Jan 16, 2012


When host Ricky Gervais promised that he wouldn’t hold back, he meant it.

The British comedian spared no-one, taking particular delight in ribbing the celebrities gathered at the 2012 Golden Globes award ceremony.

According to the Daily Mail, Gervais opened the proceedings at full tilt, commenting on the length of Kim Kardashian’s marriage, the size of his penis, and making a cheeky reference to Jodie Foster’s “beaver”. He even threw in a F-word, telling the audience he couldn’t f***ing understand what Antonio Banderas was saying backstage.

For the celebrities who were a little apprehensive about Gervais’ appearance, especially after the way he took aim at the Hollywood elite last year, the 50-year-old started off with some words of encouragement.

“Nervous? Don't be. This isn't about you,” he said, before launching into a routine that spared almost no-one.

First in the firing line was the very awards show that he was presenting for the third time.

“The Golden Globes are to the Oscars what Kim Kardashian is to Kate Middleton,” said Gervais.

“Bit louder. Bit trashier. Bit drunker. And more easily bought...allegedly.

“Tonight, you get Britain's biggest comedian, hosting the second biggest awards show, on America's third biggest network...”

Gervais then turned his attention to Eddie Murphy, who was supposed to host the Oscars, only to pull out when the producer was fired.

“When the man who said: “Yes” to Norbit says, “No”, to you, you know you're in trouble,” said Gervais.

“I love Eddie Murphy. He loves dressing up. He's versatile.

“Bit of trivia. Eddie Murphy and Adam Sandler, between them, played all the parts in The Help. Brilliant.”

The audience seemed to love that one, but Gervais drew an even bigger laugh when he set his sights on Mel Gibson and Jodie Foster.

Pulling out a list given to him by the Hollywood Foreign Press - the association that runs the show - Gervais listed all the things her was not allowed to talk about, including Gibson.

“And I mustn't mention Mel Gibson this year. Not his private life, his politics, his recent films or especially not Jodie Foster's ‘Beaver’,” said Gervais.

“I haven't seen it myself.

“I've spoken to a lot of guys – they haven't seen it either but that doesn't mean it's not good.”

Foster took the joke in good spirits, but Madonna wasn’t amused when Gervais introduced her to the audience.

“Our next presenter is the Queen of Pop,” he said.

Spotting Elton John, he then jokingly quipped: “No, not you Elton. She’s all woman”.

“She’s always vogue, she’s a Material Girl and she’s just like a virgin. Please welcome Madonna.”

Madonna did not look happy but, to her credit, she fired back.

“If I'm still a virgin Ricky, then why don't you come on and do something about it?” she said.

“I haven’t kissed a girl in a few years. On TV.”

The reviews for Gervais’ performance as host were mixed, but the comedian was unapologetic about his routine.

“I stand by everything. You shouldn’t apologise for anything you meant to do. You can apologise for things you do when you’re 15, but not when you’re 50.” - IOL

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golden globes