Emilia Clarke hints at 'epic' GoT romance between Jon Snow and Daenerys Targeryen

Kit Harington as Jon Snow and Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen in Game of Thrones. .Helen Sloan HBO

Kit Harington as Jon Snow and Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen in Game of Thrones. .Helen Sloan HBO

Published Apr 7, 2019


Emilia Clarke has teased Daenerys Targeryen and Jon Snow will have an "epic" relationship in the final season of 'Game of Thrones'.

The 32-year-old actress' Mother of Dragons alter ego got together with the King in the North at the end of season seven, without realising they are actually aunt and nephew, and the British star couldn't wait to read her scripts for the upcoming eighth series to find out what would happen to them.

Asked if she was keen to find out what happened between Daenerys and Jon, she said: "Yeah, I was sent the script and I read it in an afternoon.

"Then I just left my house and walked for about three hours around London, aimlessly wandering - because it's so epic.

"It's the most contemporary relationship she's had in the show.

"They're incredibly similar, they have so much that binds them. He brings out an honesty in her that she hasn't experienced. So I think that's an interesting relationship."

While Emilia admitted she is "always" worried about disappointing fans with the twists of the show, she knows it can't make everyone happy.

She said: "You want everyone to be happy. But in the final season of any show, there's going to be upset people, there's going to be fights within friendship groups, there's going to be, 'Who's side are you on?' "

Emilia thinks it is "important" that the show goes out on a high and while there's still interest in hit.

She said: "I'm a big fan of TV shows finishing when you're still ready for more.

"If the series goes on too long, you're doing a disservice to both the characters and also to the writing.

"It's important to have that want for more to still be there."

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