Breakfast for our champions

INDEPENDENT Media this week hosted a breakfast at Coastlands on the Ridge. At the function were, from left, Independent on Saturday editor Zoubair Ayoob, Independent Media representative Trish Orr, Hayley McLennan of Fire Tree Design Company, and Anele Mpungose and Barbara Leask from TBWA. | DOCTOR NGCOBO

INDEPENDENT Media this week hosted a breakfast at Coastlands on the Ridge. At the function were, from left, Independent on Saturday editor Zoubair Ayoob, Independent Media representative Trish Orr, Hayley McLennan of Fire Tree Design Company, and Anele Mpungose and Barbara Leask from TBWA. | DOCTOR NGCOBO

Published Dec 2, 2023


Durban — Like the province KwaZulu-Natal, which has weathered the Covid pandemic, the floods and the 2021 riots, and is still thriving, Independent Media too is resilient and has emerged stronger from a recent restructuring.

This was according to deputy national sales head Mike Ntsasa, addressing a breakfast attended by Independent Media’s loyal clients at Coastlands on the Ridge in Durban on Tuesday.

With few formalities, guests spent their time networking, renewing friendships, establishing new relationships and enjoying the delicious fare on offer.

FROM left, Nazreen Majid from DRK Tactical and EMS, Yavini Pillay and Michelle Bain from Hollywood Bets, and Stephen Marshall from Gold Circle. | DOCTOR NGCOBO

The editors of all Independent Media titles in the province were joined at the event by chief executive officer Takudzwa Hove and the heads of the various sales divisions.

Guests included representatives of Arrow Cash and Carry, Suncoast Casino, Ozz Cash and Carry, Publicity Matters and Berea Tech.

FROM left, Seema Sukhdeo and Shani Pillay from One Stop Travel and Tours, with Sharmaine Govender from Independent Media and Jose Baburam and Nooshaad Ramjhan from Ozz Cash and Carry. | DOCTOR NGCOBO

Independent on Saturday