Mission accomplished as books pile up

Published Aug 10, 2024


Independent Newspapers has put its weight behind the month-long call-out to collect 10 052 quality second-hand books for the Denis Hurley Centre Street Lit booksellers – one for every day Madiba spent in prison. Staff and readers have collected more than 300 books.

Churches and partner organisations around the city have been collecting books for the project. Books are still being dropped off, so the final tally is not available – however thus far 10 756 books have been collected – which means that the goal of 10 052 books has been exceeded.

Pictured with some of the books donated to the Denis Hurley Centre Street Lit booksellers initiative by Independent Newspapers is trainee bookseller Godfrey Ngubo, project facilitator Illa Thompson, and ‘Independent on Saturday’ Editor, Zoubair Ayoob at the book table at Durban Botanic Gardens, one of the project’s venue partners. | Shelley Kjonstad/Independent Newspapers

“We are thrilled that we have surpassed our target,” enthused project co-ordinator Illa Thompson. “Thank you, thank you to the people of Durban for their incredible generosity, and thank you to the partner churches and organisations for collecting the books for us, and to St John Ambulance and Eye Care for providing storage space for us – it has been a huge team effort. Wow we are all so chuffed. It really is Christmas in July for us!”

The much-loved, feel-good, Durban-based entrepreneurship programme enables a team of homeless / formerly homeless men and women to earn a modest living, have a renewed life purpose, and to encourage and enable people to read more affordable books.

Pictured with some of the books donated by Independent Newspapers is trainee bookseller Godfrey Ngubo, project facilitator Illa Thompson, and ‘Independent on Saturday’ Editor Zoubair Ayoob at the book table at Durban Botanic Gardens, one of the project’s venue partners.