@LizTruss isn’t PM – but she likes replying to trolls



Published Sep 10, 2022


Will the real @LizTruss please stand up?

The woman behind the @Liztruss Twitter account has a problem. She is not Britain’s prime minister, but many people online – including politicians and world leaders ‒ think she is.

In recent weeks, Liz Trussell has been inundated with tweets regarding her alleged rise to power. Journalists and ordinary people have mistakenly tweeted at her. Some have demanded to know what she will do to tackle the energy crisis, the rising cost of living and Russia’s war on Ukraine.

Trussell has even been told by trolls trying to reach Liz Truss, Britain’s actual prime minister, that she will one day “burn in hell”. The politician uses the handle @trussliz, not @Liztruss.

Most recently, Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson offered her congratulations to the wrong woman on Twitter.

“Congratulations to @LizTruss, who will assume the role of Prime Minister of Great Britain,” she tweeted. “Sweden and Great Britain will continue our deep and extensive cooperation. It is important to our citizens, economies and security,” she added, in a tweet that appears to have since been deleted.

To the delight of many, Trussell replied: “Looking forward to a visit soon! Get the Meatballs ready.” Her online interactions with people who mistakenly tag her have been well received online.

Last month, Trussell, who has held the @Liztruss handle since 2009, was wrongly accused of avoiding an interview with the BBC.

“She is slow and dim-witted,” read one tweet that targeted her Twitter handle. “No one asked me,” she replied with a shrugging emoji.

On Monday, Trussell joked that she had a busy week ahead and was getting ready to meet another Liz – Queen Elizabeth II, who died on Thursday.

Her tart replies have led to calls for @Liztruss to be declared Britain's new leader instead of @trussliz. There is even a campaign hashtag: #InTrussellWeTrust. - The Washington Post

The Independent on Saturday

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