67 ways to help this Mandela Day: Tafta needs your small act of kindness

Last year, Lucas Gardens July Birthday girls celebrated their special day on Mandela Day: Regi Viranna, Ruth Hughes, Audrey Lock, Dawn de Beer and Vasugie Avidi. Picture: Supplied

Last year, Lucas Gardens July Birthday girls celebrated their special day on Mandela Day: Regi Viranna, Ruth Hughes, Audrey Lock, Dawn de Beer and Vasugie Avidi. Picture: Supplied

Published Jul 15, 2020


Covid-19 has placed greater distress on elderly making them more susceptible to loneliness and helplessness .This Mandela Day Tafta invites you to shower their elderly residents with small acts of kindness, making a huge difference as they deal with the physical, emotional and social distress of coronavirus. 

As much as they appreciated your presence at their homes in the past, Covid-19 prohibits it this year. They are extending their homes to you to engage with the elderly this Mandela month via digital platforms as they receive your very generous gifts (their necessities).

Whether you are an individual looking for something rewarding to do for someone in need, a business person looking for a community team-building project for your staff or a manufacturer/retailer willing to donate useful items – you can take #ActionAgainstPoverty in these following ways:

Covid Care Kit

Help us provide care to Covid-positive elderly with items needed for daily care. These include: disposable gowns, shoe covers, gloves, vehicle disinfectant, pulse oximeter, surface sanitizers, hand sanitizers, tidy hand towels, disposable gloves, KN 95 masks, disposable food containers and cutleries.

Self Care Kit

Help improve the holistic wellbeing of an elder through essential self-care items including toilet paper, tooth paste, tooth brush, bath soap/body wash, roll on and shaving cream.

Nourishment kit

Help our elderly receive their three daily meals in the comfort of their homes by donating non-perishable foods such as canned food, oil, pulses, flour, tea, coffee, long life milk.

Health Care Kit

Nappies, sanitary pads, cotton balls, sugar strips, cholesterol strips, lancet, band aid plasters, Gauze 100x100, Gauze 50x50 for smaller wounds, Savlon/ Dettol, 2ml, 5ml, 10ml, 20ml syringes.

Maintenance Care Kit: 

Help us continue providing safe, secure and enabling environments across our 13 homes through daily upkeep of our aging buildings. Items needed include: Tool boxes, paint, paint brushes and rollers, thinners, Energy saver globes 40W, tap washers: small and large, hoists, generators and light safety films for office windows, floor tiles, wall tiles, blinds.

Recreational Kit

Help us stimulate the holistic wellbeing of elderly through wellness and recreational activities through repairs to our aviary, recliners for our serendipity ward, gazebos, park benches, gardening, sewing, knitting, beauty care products, TV, sound system, art kits.

Community Care Kit: 

Help us continue to feed elderly in the community by donating reusable or disposable food containers, plastic cutlery and cooler boxes. 

Because Tafta has a strong Covid-19 prevention strategy and your health and safety is also of concern, please consider  making a cash donation online rather than dropping off items, and they will assemble these kits on your behalf.

Your gift of any amount –  made online right now – will go towards improving the lives of the elders in Tafta's care. They are feeling especially lonely and scared at this time. Your kit will remind them that others do care, and have their wellbeing at heart.

* Find more organisations and worthy causes to support on Mandela Day: 

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