Woman upset siblings snapped photos during mother’s last moments

Mother was diagnosed with cancer and died four weeks later. Picture: Rodnae Productions/Pexels

Mother was diagnosed with cancer and died four weeks later. Picture: Rodnae Productions/Pexels

Published Nov 7, 2022


A woman has taken to Reddit to say her siblings’ manner in which they spent their last moments with their mother was appalling.

She said they felt it was fit to take pictures instead of embracing the last few moments with their mother.

Doesn’t this sound familiar? We’ve seen many videos and uploads showcasing how people use certain situations to gain “clout”.

Yes, we can say that people handle grief differently, but the woman was not having the fact that last moments should be spent taking snaps like it’s a jolly occasion.

Her mother was diagnosed with cancer and died four weeks later. Which is rapid considering the time they had left with her.

“On the day she died, we received a call from the hospital basically saying that she had had a rough night and we should get down to see her because she didn’t have long left,” she said.

She and her siblings rushed to the hospital to say their final goodbye. Not only was it a traumatising moment, but the hospital room was filled with rowdy grandchildren taking over. But that’s not the cherry on the cake.

The rest of the siblings thought it was okay to take photos of their dying mother than spend time with her as it was her last.

“After going back and forth with each of the kids for about half an hour, my siblings asked if I could take a group photo of them with mum while all of them held their children,” she said.

“Is this time? Can’t society for once leave its devices and take in the moment, which is rather sacred and personal.”

She couldn’t even stay longer; because her siblings wanted to get the kids home as they drove with one vehicle to the hospital. She then planned to drop everyone off and head back to the hospital in a more stable environment, but it was too late. Their mother passed away and she couldn’t spend her last moments as she wished, which left her devastated.

But her siblings couldn’t care less: “However, when my siblings announced to their social media mum’s passing, they used the photos they took of her that morning and noted that they were so grateful to have gotten those final conscious moments with her before she passed, and every one of them filled me with so much rage.”

What do you think? does she have reason to be angry? I think yes, all in all, social media has just taken over our lives too much, leaving us with unappreciated moments.