Dads, steer clear of the delivery room

Published Oct 23, 2009


By Paul Sims

For those fathers who make it through without fainting, the miracle of childbirth is an unforgettable experience.

But their presence could actually be harming the mother and child, a leading obstetrician warned yesterday.

Dr Michael Odent claims having a husband or partner in the room at the birth increases the likelihood of a Caesarean section, subsequent marriage breakup and even mental illness.

He also believes it makes the labour longer and more painful because the woman is distracted by the father's anxiety.

Delivering children would be much simpler if women were left alone in the care of their midwife, he claims. "The ideal birth environment involves no men in general," he said.

"Having been involved for more than 50 years in childbirths in homes and hospitals in France, England and Africa, the best environment I know for an easy birth is when there is nobody around the woman in labour apart from a silent, low-profile and experienced midwife.

"In this situation, more often than not, the birth is easier and faster than what happens when there are other people around, especially male figures - husbands and doctors."

More than 90 percent of births in the UK have a male partner in attendance, studies show. But Dr Odent claims that having males present at the birth makes the mother tense, leading her to produce adrenaline.

This slows her production of the hormone oxytocin, which is vital for childbirth, thus extending the length of the labour.

"If she can't release oxytocin she can't have effective contractions, and everything becomes more difficult," said the French doctor, who runs the Primal Health Research childbirth charity in London.

"Labour becomes longer, more painful and more difficult because the hormonal balance in the woman is disturbed by the environment that's not appropriate because of the man's presence."

Sexual attraction between a couple can also disappear after the birth and lead to divorce, he says.

Some men even end up suffering from a widely unrecognised male equivalent of postnatal depression.

The "masculinisation of the birth environment" has, Dr Odent argues, contributed to the number of women now having Caesarean sections.

He is due to outline his controversial views at the annual conference of the Royal College of Midwives in Manchester next month.

But critics have said that there was little evidence to support his claims.

Duncan Fisher of the fatherhood advice website Dad Info, said: "I think he's wrong and is not basing his argument on evidence either that it damages men or their relationships with mothers.

"Of course, not all men are nervous and a lot of women would be even more nervous without their partner there. Mothers want them there because it is not home."

Mary Newburn of the National Childbirth Trust, said there were now cultural pressures on men to attend the birth of their child.

"There's such a feeling among women that "you got me into this, I have carried the baby for nine months and now I have to go through labour and birth, so the least you can do is be with me, and if you feel a bit squeamish, then tough".

"I wouldn't go as far Dr Odent in saying that men are always unhelpful in labour. But it's not men's right to be there.

"The most important thing is that the woman feels safe, secure and supported, so if she wants to have a woman around instead, that's fine," said Newburn.

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