Hungani Ndlovu and his wife Stephanie. Picture: Instagram
Warning: The video contains content that may upset sensitive viewers.
Celebrity couple Hungani Ndlovu and his wife Stephanie opened up about the horror experience of their miscarriage in the latest episode of their YouTube channel “The Ndlovu’s Uncut”.
The former Scandal! stars, say they were overjoyed when they found out they were expecting their first child in July 2020.
Taking to social media on Sunday, the Ndlovus shared their recent life-altering experience with their fans, and they captioned the post: “We had a miscarriage 🥺💔”
Reflecting on the emotional journey, the Ndlovus say that two years after the painful ordeal, they wanted to share their story, not for “ratings or views” but because this is a story that will resonate with many couples across the nation.
“This was a story we wanted to tell so many times, not for views or ratings or anything, but because so many women and couples go through miscarriages and it can often feel very lonely because we don’t talk about it enough. It doesn’t matter what stage of pregnancy it may have been, the loss is still felt and deeply so. Our hearts are with all those who have experienced any loss of pregnancy.”
“Out of excitement … Before we even went in for our first check-up, we decided to call our parents and our siblings to tell them the good news,” says Stephanie in the video.
Unfortunately, the excitement was short-lived when Stephanie was told by her gynaecologist that she has a blighted ovum, also called an anembryonic pregnancy.
“This is all during Covid-19 and Hungani couldn't go in ... I think our first check-up was at eight weeks, and I'm sitting there ... I already had my video camera out because I wanted to record for him.
“I take my video out and it wasn't even a minute and she literally did the scan … and said ‘sorry, there is no embryo’,” explains Stephanie.
“She said I should take a moment, I did not. I jumped off the bed, I did not cry, I literally just said okay,” she adds.
Staphanie says, in the midst of all the shock, she wanted to know what the next steps would be for her.
In most cases, the doctor recommends a dilation and curettage (D&C) procedure, to remove tissue from inside your uterus.
“But because it was during Covid-19, the gynaecologist recommended that I would instead do the cleaning out at home, using medication. This is the same medication they give to patients who want to have an abortion, a home abortion,” she said.
The couple explained that if they had been thoroughly informed about the procedure of using the medication at home, they would have opted for the D&C instead.
“Having done this procedure was more traumatic to me than having to find out about the miscarriage, and that remains true to this day,” said Stephanie.
Watch the full video below as the couple explain that the gynaecologist’s negligence led to even more trauma, even months after the miscarriage.
Many fans thanked the couple for sharing their story, while others continued to pray for the couple’s healing.
Commenting on YouTube, Onele mbunye said: “Sorry guys. I saw your post on Instagram and immediately came here. May God wrap your hearts and heal you. May he bring hope for restoration. May it never happen again and may you bear a seed as your hearts desire in Jesus Name I pray♥️🙏”
Another fan, who goes by the name Logic Thinker, wrote: “Love and light to you guys. I've had the experience 10 years ago and till this day when I think about it, it hurts. The pain never goes away, you just learn to live with it.”
Lesedi Mangwane added: “This was so hard for me to watch. Sending love and light 💡 I hope you guys are okay and I hope you guys are having a gentle healing process ❤️And to anyone who’s experienced this, I’m so sorry 💡”
The Ndlovus started dating in 2017 and they tied the knot in a private ceremony on February 23, 2019.
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