Horoscope: What your zodiac sign has in store this New Year’s week (Jan 1 - Jan 7)

Published Jan 1, 2023


Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Life grows happier, Aries. You’re offered a fabulous year, surrounded by love, friendship and prosperity. Business and pleasure also mix more easily. Other possibilities: travel or higher education. Health should also be on the up – with one exception: a possible gain in weight. If this is something you'd prefer to avoid, all things in moderation.

Taurus (April 21 May 20)

This year is gentle on your soul, and open with introductions. Bask in the compassion of loved ones and throw some love around others too. Jupiter hints at spiritual retreat, while Neptune encourages deep friendships. Or maybe this is your year for much-needed pampering and romance. You choose, but you’ll need to be tougher after May.

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

Over the next year, Jupiter keeps you busier and more involved with others. As this delightfully social planet loves to arrange meetings with unconventional people, expect to venture outside your usual social circle. Friends are also more supportive. But this isn't a one-way street, as you're equally able to offer assistance.

Cancer (June 22 July 22)

Jupiter has stepped into your career sector, Cancer. What does this mean? Change. Lightning-fast change – mostly in how you see and interact with this world. Outmoded values start to disintegrate. In time, a new you will emerge – physically, mentally and spiritually. Should you feel an urge to travel, venture as far as you dare.

Leo (July 23 – August 23)

Thanks to Jupiter’s wanderlust, your curiosity expands this year – making it an ideal time to try as many new opportunities as possible. A growing pile of books, blogs and emails broaden your mind. Relationships with siblings and close family should also improve. Travel’s on the agenda, especially short trips related to work or family matters.

Virgo (August 24 September 22)

Advertise your availability and, this year, many Virgos are showered with romantic reciprocation. For some, new love and friendships simply happen; while others rekindle an old flame. This week, too, it’s a week when health, wealth or happiness benefit from a planetary thumbs up. All this thanks to a supercharged sun.

Libra (September 23 October 23)

You can breathe a sigh of relief, Libra. Throughout 2023, the cosmos declares war on scrimping and saving. There is a catch, though: not everything will turn out to be as it appears. If something instinctively feels too-good-to-be true, it probably is. Good judgement is the key. Check your health, too. Sleep and a sensible diet will be vital.

Scorpio (October 24 November 22)

At some stage everyone has to take a leap of faith and this year, Jupiter provides that opportunity. All your instincts say “jump” and, while life’s pressures remain, you should still take the risk. If you can keep your head together through times of frantic bursts of industry, you step into one of the most productive years of your life.

Sagittarius (November 23 December 21)

Relationships have their tempestuous moments this year, matching powerful plays of passion with moments of cool detachment. Although your usual impulse is to run from conflict, sometimes it’s best to stand your ground. Should this lead to change or new circumstances, so be it. The cosmos always has a contingency plan in motion.

Capricorn (December 22 January 20)

Relationships, career or finances may have suffered a severe reality check this past year. Looking back, though, you recognise that each challenge has been a valuable lesson learned. As a reward, the cosmos sets about restoring considerably more than was forfeited. Prepare for the touch of good fortune, Capricorn.

Aquarius (January 21 February 18)

This year others receive Jupiter’s delightful benefits through you. Not surprisingly, this helps you win many new friends and admirers. Those touched by your kindness will be more than happy to return the favour when you need it – particularly professional contacts. At last, work could become a happier place to be.

Pisces (February 19 March 20)

You’re a very private person, Pisces – and even more so this week. You’re in no mood to share thoughts or feelings with anybody. But sometimes our privacy is invaded, whether we like it or not. Question is, how are you going to handle this intrusion? For starters, keep your temper under control. If you need time alone, simply say so.