Horoscope: What your zodiac sign has in store this week (Jan 15 - Jan 21)

capricorn star sign.

capricorn star sign.

Published Jan 15, 2023


Your Year Ahead

Powerhouse energies promote a sensationally successful year. Despite the pressures, you meet every challenge. In June, however, domesticity takes priority. Upside: use this family orientated month to clinch real estate deals or spruce up the home.

Another area that begs attention this year is your health. This means fewer rushed meals and more exercise.

Disrespectful friends or colleagues suffer your wrath in August. You’ve no more patience for petulance and limping promises.

Indeed, September’s challenge comes in sorting out your love life. If you were hoping for stability, scandal is more likely.

Aries (March 21 - April 20)

Periods of high stress can make us feel like we’re losing it, as can being surrounded by people whose values are different from our own. For most Ariens, the key to survival in a week like this would be to step back, take a deep breath and regain your composure. Only then should you decide what course of action to take.

Taurus (April 21 - May 20)

This week, Taurean lives are up for a restructure – happily, in your favour. You should approach negotiations forcefully and with purpose. And now that you’ve finally decided to embark on that special journey or project, there’s no turning back. Someone in authority may also offer a helping hand. For many, it’s also a week of surprises.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

Never doubt your worth, Gemini. Always know that confidence is a state of mind. If you can appear positive, then others will think the same way about you. Try to think outside your insecurities and ignore the voices that want to put you down. f all else fails, fake it until you make it – you’ll be amazed at the outcome.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

Problems hint at bigger issues that no one wants to discuss. While you’d rather not become involved, you might have no choice, mostly because others’ worries are not as trivial as you thought. They’ve been downplaying it, so as not to worry you. Be helpful, but skip the martyrdom. The best lesson you can teach others right now is independence.

Leo (July 23 - August 23)

When on the attack, most Leos fire first and ask questions later. Sometimes, however, you can be too quick off the mark. This week, check all facts before marching into battle – someone could be planning an ambush. Unstable relationships might fall but new romance looks set to flourish – great news if you’re back on the singles scene.

Virgo (August 24 - September 22)

If tension or delays are getting you down, distancing yourself won’t make things any better, even if it is the easy option. If nothing seems to be going right, ask yourself whether you’ve become too inflexible. Admit it, Virgo, you can be stubborn. All that’s needed to get your life back on track is a little co-operation and mutual understanding.

Libra (September 23 - October 23)

Success could be yours for the taking Libra, if you could only get over this debilitating fear of abandoning others. Shake off that old guilt trip and put your own needs first. In romance, too, you should throw off inhibitions and release repressed desires. Take control of your sexuality and rediscover “the sweetest taboo”.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)

You’ve been patient long enough, Scorpio. Others have had all the time in the world to resolve their issues. Problem is, they continue to rely on your help, whether you like it or not. If possible, break away for a while and get on with your own affairs. At work, your intuition should save you from difficult circumstances.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)

Previously closed doors might now be thrown open, encouraging you to experiment. But don’t rush into action. Devote more time and energy to long-term possibilities as well as thinking about the immediate implications. Some Sagittarians will meet new people or have more contact with family. An impulsive love affair could also reawaken passions.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)

Capricorns focus on finances this week, giving you an opportunity to increase their income. Start saving now and you’ll soon have plenty to spare for that proverbial rainy day. Jobs connected with finances or the media do particularly well. Ditto for those linked with health care. Romantically, many discover a hot new stamping ground.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 18)

Early this week, you should live your life hand in hand with your inner guidance. Choose to listen to those soft, and sometimes, barely audible whispers. Slow down, and embrace the special messages. Often it's not so much the words but the hum of the vibration that heals mind, body and soul.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

You need closure which, under normal circumstances may cause some stress but now feels welcoming. Maybe it’s because you’re more forgiving. Maybe it’s because others are forgiving you, or are sincerely sorry. Whatever the case, happiness is on the increase which, in turn, can’t help but spill over into love and friendship.

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