Horoscope: What your zodiac sign has in store this week (Oct 2 – Oct 8)

libra star sign. Picture: Darkmoon_Art/Pixabay

libra star sign. Picture: Darkmoon_Art/Pixabay

Published Oct 2, 2022


Aries (March 21 - April 20)

At last, you’re ready to start acting on that list of great ideas. Soon, you’ll experience extra clarity that will benefit that long-standing labour of love you’ve been working on. Bringing your dreams to life will keep you too busy for romance, but be on the look-out for an unexpected financial possibility – very welcome in these unsettled times.

Taurus (April 21 - May 20)

Mars rules your financial sector this week, pretty well assuring more money. Even long shot offers hold better promise than they normally might. Spending may also become obsessive – it’s a must-have week. Either your image or home are in for an overhaul. Don’t worry. We all occasionally suffer a bout of financial insanity, so enjoy.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

This week you could learn a great deal from someone “in the know”. Be open to the possibility of a partnership that may work to your advantage. Just make sure you’re dealing with above-board, ethical people. There are a lot of fraudsters out there. Use your innate ability to get to the truth and don’t be rushed into decisions.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

Many Cancerians have been rushed lately. Perhaps you should stop for a minute, and tend to more mundane tasks – groceries, for instance. You need to eat, my friend. On the upside: you start to notice much self improvement. It’s all to do with a clever mind and strong personal magnetism. You’re also entitled to your fair share of fun.

Leo (July 23 - August 23)

Much as you want to take control of a current situation, you should step back and see whether someone else takes the initiative. Don’t offer help unless you know it’s really needed. Sometimes, you just have to let others clean up their own mess. Financial concerns assume more importance, as expenses increase.

Virgo (August 24 - September 22)

It’s a week to accept, or at least acknowledge, what life throws at you. Stay strong. Despite any punishing demands – you’re much braver than you realise. Even the most difficult of dramas can be enlightening once through it. So calm your fears, Virgo – and then walk through any challenge. Not around it, but through it.

Libra (September 23 - October 23)

Times have been hard for a while now, with money issues demanding more attention. Good news: this week anxiety starts to ease, to the point where you can more easily relax. Quality time isn’t so easy to come by during difficult times, so accept this short spell of fun and friendship as a gift from the heavens. Whatever happens, simply enjoy.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)

It seems that what you most want at this time, you can’t have – that proverbial “forbidden fruit”. Or, you still might go for it – despite knowing that you’re making a bad choice and for all the wrong reasons. It seems you want instant gratification, Scorpio – despite all the warning signs. Expect consequences.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)

This week brings a welcome turning point. As there’s no telling where unexpected offers may lead, why not take a few calculated risks? Financial problems should also ease – so, at last, niggling debts can start to be cleared. You’re welcome to disagree, but this all sounds like the makings of a much easier time.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)

If you’ve been putting off a tough conversation, you might be forced to do just that. Of course you’d prefer to skirt around the facts – but this week you can’t escape reality. It’s a sobering time, but also a chance to own up to your own culpability. Just don’t try to compensate with your overly-caustic wit, as your words might seem sarcastic in tone.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 18)

Reassess which aims are worth pursuing and which aren’t, then discard anything (or anyone) that’s become troublesome. At the same time, you might like to throw new ideas around with other like-minded or more compatible friends or family. It’s said that many hands make light work. Indeed, the planets suggest safety in numbers.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Common sense proves to be your biggest ally this week, when you’re asked to be more giving in your approach to life and love. Children draw out your nurturing tendencies, or close friends and family need a helping hand. If that means putting up with minor gripes, so be it. You now have heavenly support.