Horoscope: What your zodiac sign has in store this week (Sep 25 – Oct 1)

Astrology / horoscope signs - libra

Astrology / horoscope signs - libra

Published Sep 25, 2022


Your Year Ahead

Expect this next year to be busy. Most Librans will need to run at maximum efficiency, so allow the occasional time-out to refresh mind, body and soul, especially in the next few demanding months.

Settle debts, see to unfinished projects and send out clear signals that no one has the right to control your thoughts or actions.

Your wallet should notice a little weight gain after October – until you decide to spend. Try a sensible budget instead. You’re allowed the odd luxury, but only if it’s affordable.

Aries (March 21 - April 20)

Don’t let life get to you, Aries. Sometimes things just go awry. Hot topics include intimacy and trust. Mercury also introduces unwelcome rivals. Add a suspicious Saturn, and the result brings a feisty quality to relationships. Perhaps a partnership has become one-sided, with one doing all the giving. It’s time for new ground rules, don’t you think?

Taurus (April 21 - May 20)

Taureans notice that they can’t steer situations as much as usual. But after you stop blaming past misfortunes, you come to understand that you alone are responsible for your life. You also realise that lasting contentment can come only from within. Life becomes less of an uphill struggle when attuned to your own natural rhythm.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

Geminis are well known for voicing their views. Some admire the confidence, others find it annoying. Any opposition, however, just fuels your strong-mindedness, especially if you’re convinced that you’re right. Truth is: middle ground can be found. Remain flexible and accommodate others’ needs as well as your own.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

Looks like a financial leap is on the horizon. Best avenues of investment are land or property; jobs that enable you to cut down your commuting hours – or perhaps working from home. Friends or family could also take more of an interest in your well-being. Some might give support without you even being aware of it. Go where life takes you.

Leo (July 23 - August 23)

You may need to step back and focus, Leo. Ground your more fiery element, rather than spin out over variables. Now that you’ve reached this inevitable crossroads, you need to weigh up recent decisions or actions. Forget the “what ifs” and “should haves”. We never really make mistakes in life; we gain experience and wisdom.

Virgo (August 24 - September 22)

This week enables savvy Virgos to make the best of their negotiating skills. There's a strong emphasis on money and property. The days ahead also bring a crucial emotional crunch. For a while now, you’ve been battling with difficult restrictions; and you’ve worn them well. By late week, there might even be a happy surprise.

Libra (September 23 - October 23)

If ingenuity is what’s needed this week, you’re ready for the challenge. But you shouldn’t always trust others so readily. Often, it’s the people with the most original ideas who are left in deficit, while the wolves walk away with the profits. Be firm and cautious. Tell others only what they need to know.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)

Looks like you’re not as pliable as some would like. Scorpios are too astute to be duped, but this won’t stop lesser mortals from trying. You’ve half a mind to call their bluff, but the best thing to do is go about your business, and ask others to do the same. Look after your own interests for a while.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)

A phase of your life is coming to a close, so prepare for disruption. Relationships built on sand can expect some erosion. Discontent could even lead you towards clandestine meetings. Singles, too, might prefer a secret dalliance. Finances feature strongly, as does the need to chase your professional dreams. An interesting week ahead.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)

Life becomes more disruptive, as others seem to challenge your every word. Home renovations could also take hair-raising twists, or machines and electronics go haywire. On some level, though, the upsets could reflect your inner need for more emotional freedom or change. No need to second guess your thoughts – your instincts are spot-on.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 18)

You often keep others guessing, assuming that if someone cares enough, they’ll either know your mind or ask the right questions. This week is different – you openly volunteer information, minus the sugarcoating and clever word play. That’s refreshing, and much appreciated by many.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Fear can often hold us back and so often leads to missed opportunities. Don’t give up or change direction this late in the game just because of a few delays. Stick with it, have faith and trust the heavens and your intuition. Live life to the full, and success might come sooner than hoped.