He loves me, he loves me not: 10 reasons why your partner may be unfaithful to you



Published Jul 25, 2022


What makes people cheat?

Networking platform Gleeden conducted a survey conducted among ten thousand of their users and came up with the top 10 reasons for infidelity.

The survey took place among users between the 35-45 age bracket.

Shedding some light on the scenario Sybil Shiddell, Country Manager India says: “Infidelity is considered taboo worldwide, but there are many aspects to it.

“Cheating or the will to cheat is not the only reason why people get involved in extramarital affairs. Incidents like negligence, domestic violence, loneliness, etc., are a few of the many reasons that build up to the cause."


It is natural to get bored in a relationship at some point. People look for changes after a certain time, experimenting with their likes.

Loneliness also makes people choose someone besides their partner, maybe someone who understands them better.

Communication gap

It is vital to have communication in any relationship, especially in a marriage. No relationship is perfect, but it can be made through communication.

Sharing thoughts, listening to your partner, and making small changes can ignite the spark now and then. But with our busy lives, it becomes a headache to resolve these issues.

Dry spell

Some people get lazy, tired, and exhausted. Partners are not always on the same page. When people don't get their expectations fulfilled, they turn to the outside world.

Not having a respectful conversation, discussing how they both feel about sex, and how life has hijacked the spark can lead to infidelity. Not meeting up the demands of your partner turns them off.

High-end expectation

It is human nature to expect and get hurt when it doesn't turn out their way. Thus, expectations of not getting attention, time, love, care, and intimacy from a partner can make the marriage's tone negative.

Although, at times, people stop doing things for their partner due to their comfort zone, which tends the other one to think they are not worthy of themselves.

Past relationships

Many people are still averse to moving on. This makes them judge their current relationship and partner with their previous one, making them hurt themselves and not giving them a chance to understand and accept their current partner.

People who get forcefully married also go back to their previous partners to whom they are attracted.

Newbie trends

In this fast-paced world, trends keep hopping up now and then. The hook-up culture is one of them, and people follow it.

Some do it because they are not happy in their marriage, whereas some follow it just to be on trend.


Many partners share the same mindset about having more than one partner and having an open marriage.

They accept that a person can fall in love with 2-3 people, calling it an open relationship. They have a level of understanding of each other and view their partner's choice of having a relationship outside their marriage as natural.

Domestic violence

Why would someone be in a relationship where there's no respect. Whether physical or sexual, 8 out of 10 women experience domestic violence, crushing their self-esteem and hampering their mental and physical health.

Who wants to be in a dead-end marriage? When they can't take help from their own family and society's judgments won't let them take a divorce. Finding someone outside their marriage is a boon.

Go with the flow

A cosy environment can make people slip without thinking of the consequences. Yes, it is easy to fall into this trap of being in the moment without realising the entire foundation of your marriage can get derailed.

Most people experience it during their office trips, late-night stays, parties with old mates, etc.


High on drinks? Nope, just horny. It might sound odd, but people can get addicted to sex. After all, hormones are just chemical juices moving around.

They are in a position where they perform sexual activities persistently, unable to control themselves. It is a compulsive behaviour, watching porn, masturbating uncontrollably, and having multiple sexual partners.