Sisters are doing it for themselves

Busisiwe Thwala – also known as Cici chats to us about empowering women.

Busisiwe Thwala – also known as Cici chats to us about empowering women.

Published Aug 19, 2020


The Bernini Squadcast Series is making waves as a mouthpiece for empowered women, with some of Mzansi’s most loved celebrities making their voices heard. The series aims to give a voice to strong women, and to share inspiring stories of triumph over struggle.

The saying goes ‘behind every successful man is a strong woman’. However, a follow up question that we should ask is: ‘who stands behind the strong woman?

This is a question that many successful South African women can answer without missing a beat. They would not have made it through the hard times without the support of their squad and sisterhood - the circle of loving, loyal friends who have their back, no matter what.

This is the inspiration behind the Bernini Squadcast Series, created by the team behind Bernini Sparkling Grape Frizzante, a product of Distell Ltd, as a nod to every strong, independent woman who recognizes that she would not have made it to where is she is today without her squad by her side.

Leading celebrities like singer and songwriter, Busisiwe Thwala – better known as Cici, local singer, TV personality, actress Letoya Makhene of Isidingo and Generations fame, and storyteller par excellence Thobi Rose are some of the phenomenal women who are part of the Squadcast Series conversations, which are accessible on social networking platform Spotify. Their stories really hit home, and they are inspiring other women to succeed.

‘The Squadcast Series is our salute to the strong, independent, empowered women who broke free from a history of feeling less worthy - either as a result of physical or emotional abuse within the context of gender-based tensions – it’s a platform to express how they found the strength and ability to rise above their circumstances and succeed,’ says Bernini Marketing Manager, Tania Kotze.

Bernini Squadcasts

Listen to Squadcast Series Episode 1: Click here

Listen to Squadcast Series Episode 2: Click here

As part of the Bernini Squadcast Series we chatted to Cici, one of the country’s most popular musicians who is well-loved for openly sharing her own relationship experiences with her fans.

Q: Do you think that South African women are empowered?

If we women were truly empowered then we wouldn’t have the term patriarchy. We still have to fight to prove that we’re equally capable of holding positions of power within society, hence we are probably a long shot away from having a female president. Sometimes the patriarchal system is reinforced by the very women who remind other women of what we as women can and cannot do. We need to change the way we socialize our men and women in society.

Q: As a woman in the entertainment industry - which is very much a man’s world - what does it take to succeed?

I’ve learned to find my niche and own the space that I’m in. I focus on the things that I’m able to achieve. I think we sometimes spend too much time complaining about what we cannot do instead of focusing on what we can. My mantra is ‘work so hard that it becomes impossible to ignore me’.

Q: You have had your share of challenges to overcome on your journey to success. What was the turning point in your life that made you decide to turn your life around?

It was with the realization that all that I am and all that I have is by the love and grace of God. It’s in understanding that the gift that was given to me is mine and no one can take it away. If anything, I’m the one who brings an investable product to the table. At that moment I understood my worth.

Q: Who are the women who were there for you during times of struggle and how did they support you on your journey to success?

My sister and I have a really amazing sisterhood and she has always been there for me, through everything. My family at large have been a great support structure and they refused to let me give up on myself.

Q: How do you take back your power in an unhealthy relationship?

There is so much power in finding your own voice. Finding that voice doesn’t necessarily mean that you tell everyone though. It’s about telling yourself that you are more and therefore you deserve more. It’s cutting the umbilical cord of unhealthy relationships and learning to love yourself more. When you finally find self-love you will know that it is the most intimate and powerful kind of love you can ever find.

Q: Why did you decide to get involved in the Bernini Squadcast Series and what has this experience meant for you personally?

I joined the Bernini Squadcast Series because I wanted my voice to be the echo of so many. This platform reminds us how important sisterhood is in finding our voices. Nothing is more fulfilling for me than seeing women stand together and pick each other up. I am excited to be part of a platform that actively encourages women to shout out loud and to find their voice - so that a hundred years from now our sisters will not have to dry their tears wondering where in history they lost their voices.