Bride-to-be upset because dad refuses to pay for honeymoon after she cancelled her big wedding

Unhappy bride-to-be. Picture: Pexels Karolina Grabowska

Unhappy bride-to-be. Picture: Pexels Karolina Grabowska

Published Sep 1, 2022


Weddings are expensive and honeymoons are even more so.

This is why many wiser couples opt for either a big wedding and a more affordable honeymoon or vice versa.

Regardless, it’s always great when you have someone, and this is usually the parents of the bridal couple, to assist with the financial costs.

This generous dad made an agreement with his three children, two daughters and a son, that he would help pay up to $10k (around R170k) towards either their wedding or a deposit on the first house.

Now how lucky are those kids, right?

While his older children opted to use the money when buying their first homes, his youngest decided that she wants to use her $10k on her wedding.

After he put deposits down for a venue, caterer, photographer and a DJ – which totalled more than $5K and were non-refundable – his daughter informed him that she and her fiancé had decided to cancel the wedding and instead get married in court.

And that she would rather spend the money on their honeymoon instead of the wedding.

The couple were planning to take a two- to three-month honeymoon to travel to multiple destinations.

This is where this generous dad put his foot down.

He took to Reddit’s AITA forum to find out if he’s in the wrong for telling her to contribute money to that.

“I explained that by cancelling their wedding, we have lost out on thousands of dollars and gotten nothing out of it due to non-refundable deposits. Mind you, we never questioned any of their choices regarding wedding planning and were not involved in any of the decision-making. I literally just wrote cheques to vendors,” says the dad.

“My daughter is upset and accusing me of playing favourites with her older siblings and for punishing her because she wants something different for herself. I told her that the situations are not the same and that giving her thousands of dollars for her to bum around Europe and Asia for a few months was never something I agreed to.”

His wife, however, wants to give their daughter a few thousand to try to even things out, but he’s firmly against this.

“The way I look at it, we already gave her thousands of dollars and she decided to literally throw all of that money away.”

His daughter thinks he’s being an a**hole. What do you think?