‘I know this sounds messy’ - A bride wants her ex-husband to walk her down the aisle and her husband-to-be is not happy

Bride wants her ex-husband to walk her down the aisle. Picture: Pexels

Bride wants her ex-husband to walk her down the aisle. Picture: Pexels

Published Jun 6, 2022


Wanting to remain friends with your ex-husband is rare.

Wanting your ex-husband to be part of your wedding is odd.

Wanting your ex to walk you down the aisle is downright bizarre.

However, this bride-to-be doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with any of the above.

A 28-year-old woman took to Reddit to find out if it was unreasonable of her to ask her fiancé if he would be fine with the idea of her ex-husband walking her down the aisle at their upcoming wedding.

In the posts, she starts off by saying, “I know this sounds messy. But hear me out.” Then continues to share a bit of history with regard to herself and her ex-husband.

“My ex-husband and I were together for 7 years. We got together at 18, got married at 20 and divorced at 25. Our divorce didn't end in bad faith, we just weren't compatible as a couple anymore and we wanted to explore new things since we were glued together since 18. We remained good friends after the divorce” she shared.

While it’s always refreshing to hear how married couples are able to part on good terms, it’s rare to hear about exes remaining that close.

A year after the divorce she met her current fiance and they got engaged six months later.

However, she didn’t disclose to her new partner that she was still very close to her ex-husband.

“At first I didn't know how to bring it up to him about how I'm still close friends with my ex-husband. I had introduced them to each other but I never disclosed any details of my and my ex's relationship because I was afraid my fiancé would not be ok with it and would make me choose. My ex and I decided to never let him know.”

Not a great way to start a new relationship I reckon.

Unfortunately, her “secret” came out during a family Bbq when an aunt of hers slipped up and revealed how close she was to her ex.

“My fiancé wasn't happy about this and almost broke up with me over this. He started growing warry of my and my ex's friendship and wasn't comfortable anymore. After many conversations, we both decided to establish some boundaries regarding this. Till now we were fine.”

With the couple's wedding coming up soon, the topic of who would walk her down the aisle has up.

“My fiancé asked if I'd have my parents or my brother walk me down the aisle. And while that was my original thought as well I had another idea. I suggested that my ex-husband should give me away to him. Ex-husband to current husband and it's kinda symbolic.”

“He said he's not ok with this and I'm crossing a line at this point. He said he's tolerating the fact that I still have a close friendship with an ex after I hid it from him for so long. He said I can do as I wish since who walks me down the aisle is my choice but still, he will never be ok with my decision.”

I can’t imagine why she was surprised by his response.

At the end of the post, she poses the question, “AITA (Am I The A$$hole) for this?

One user responded by saying, “I physically winced reading this. It “sounds messy” because it is messy, gal. Failing to mention “oh, bestie? Totally used to be married to him” feels like the beginning of a steep and slippery slope.

“This is one of the cringiest things I have ever read. I would be massively uncomfortable if I went to that wedding. I did once attend a wedding where the bride's ex-husband was one of the groomsmen and even that was a little weird” said another.

This user was in complete disbelief saying, “I’m really hoping this is fake. It is so horrible and I didn’t think it was possible but her comments make it even worse. If it’s real I hope the fiancé calls off the wedding because he doesn’t deserve this. No one deserves to be treated like this.”

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