Conjoined twins separated in China

A South African medical malpractice law firm will apply for jurisdiction in the UK, to sue a hip implants manufacturer.

A South African medical malpractice law firm will apply for jurisdiction in the UK, to sue a hip implants manufacturer.

Published Sep 6, 2011


Beijing -

Doctors have successfully separated conjoined twin girls after a six-hour surgery in a Chinese hospital.

The official Xinhua News Agency reported on Tuesday that doctors separated “An An” and “Xin Xin” on Monday at the Shanghai Children's Medical Center. The twins were born in April with connected livers and hearts.

The report says doctors separated their organs, reshaped their ribs and reconstructed their chest with titanium-alloy plates.

The babies are in stable condition, but are relying on a breathing machine and will require intensive care treatment.

In May, conjoined twin girls with one body and two heads were born in the southwestern Chinese province of Sichuan. Doctors say it will be difficult to separate them. - Sapa-AP

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