Stripping teacher keeps his job

Published Sep 1, 2011


London - A male teacher who moonlighted as a stripper and starred in pornographic films has been found guilty of unacceptable professional conduct but left free to continue teaching.

Benedict Garrett was stripping in clubs and working as a naked butler while he was employed as head of personal, social and health education at Beal High School in Ilford, east London, a disciplinary committee heard.

The 31-year-old , who uses the pseudonym Johnny Anglais, received a reprimand after a two-day hearing in front of the General Teaching Council in Birmingham.

Derek Johns, chairman of the panel, told Garrett: “The committee is content that you have sufficient insight and would not repeat this behaviour should you resume teaching.”

He added: “You have stated that you will continue to advocate the morality and acceptability of your involvement in the adult industry and argue that it should not be inappropriate for a teacher to work as a stripper or in pornographic films.

“However, the committee is content that you recognise the widely held public view that such work is not acceptable conduct for a teacher.

“Therefore, in relation to risk of repetition, the committee considers it is unlikely that you will seek to return to the teaching profession whilst working as a stripper or in pornographic films.”

Garrett taught at the school from January 1, 2008 until July 16 last year.

An investigation began after pupils reported seeing him in a trailer for an adult film.

He admitted working in the adult industry but argued it was not unacceptable professional conduct as none of his behaviour was illegal.

On his website, Garrett, from Hackney, east London, offers services including lap dancing and serving food in the nude at private dinner parties.

The reprimand will remain on the GTC register for two years. - Daily Mail

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