Operation Shanela makes strides in the North West with over 700 arrests for various crimes

Picture: Se-Anne Rall

Picture: Se-Anne Rall

Published Aug 1, 2023


The North West has seen an impressive return on Operation Shanela with 779 suspects arrested for various crimes, including rape, assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm (GBH), robbery aggravating, and driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

The multidisciplinary high-density operation began July 27, 2023, to July 30, 2023, focusing on reducing crime related to property, contact, and violence in hotspot communities.

The arrested suspects amongst others, included:

12 for rape,

104 for assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm (GBH)

54 for assault common

16 for robbery aggravating

40 for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs

23 for illegal dealing in liquor

20 for burglaries at residential

14 for business premises

38 for possession of drugs

43 for dealing in drugs

Additionally, the police confiscated liquor, various drugs, including crystal meth, mandrax, and nyaope, four cellphones, three firearms, and three vehicles during this time.

Captain Aafje Botma said: “A total of 6,413 individuals and 2 906 vehicles were searched during various operations, including 77 licensed liquor premises, 23 second-hand goods dealers, and three recyclers/scrap yards.”

Furthermore, 23 unlicensed liquor premises were closed, and 57 suspected undocumented foreign nationals were taken into custody for processing.

The Provincial Police Commissioner, Lieutenant General Sello Kwena, has commended the officers for the commitment they have displayed since the inception of the operation.

“It is clear that the success figures are showing a weekly increase, due to the hard work by all members, other law enforcement agencies and government departments involved in the high-density operations to reduce the levels of crime,” said Kwena.