Matrics to write Life Sciences and Religious Studies

Life Sciences Paper 2 and Religious Studies paper 2 are subjects scheduled to be written by the Class of 2020 on Friday. Filed Photo.

Life Sciences Paper 2 and Religious Studies paper 2 are subjects scheduled to be written by the Class of 2020 on Friday. Filed Photo.

Published Nov 27, 2020


Life Sciences Paper 2 and Religious Studies paper 2 are subjects scheduled to be written by the Class of 2020 on Friday.

Life Sciences, which is commonly known as Biology, will be written at 9am while Religious Studies will be written at 2pm. Both papers are to be written within two-and -a half hours.

Friday’s examination brings an end to the fourth week of the National Senior Certificate(NSC) examination.

On Thursday, matrics wrote IsiXhosa Paper 2 which was based on the set works Buzani Ku B awo by Witness K. Tamsanqa and Inzala Yamarhamb, a drama by Madoda Mlokoti.

They also wrote History Paper 2 which covered source-based topics which were covered in class such as the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Black Power Movement in the United States of America as well as the Cultural Revolution in China. Pupils were expected to answer questions on these topics and may be required to write essays.

The NSC examinations started on November 5 and is expected to conclude on December 15.

The Class of 2020 were first disadvantaged by the loss of class time due to the national lockdown brought forward by the Coronavirus pandemic, losing over four months of their academic year.

There was also confirmation of two exam paper leaks for Mathematics and Physical Sciences. The Department of Education (DBE) together with the Hawks are investigating the matter.

The department issued a stern warning to all NSC candidates against cheating.

“There are serious consequences for copying or using leaked exam papers and these include: A rewrite of the leaked paper for everyone; If you are caught cheating the examinations you maybe banned for up to three years from writing the matric examinations; if you are caught in possession of a leaked matric examination paper you may be arrested, convicted and face living your life with a criminal record…,” the warning noted.

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