Renewable energy production hits new record in SA with more milestones predicted

South Africa is blessed with abundant wind and solar resources which are becoming increasingly cheaper to exploit, says the writer. Picture: Ayanda Ndamane/African News Agency (ANA) Archives

South Africa is blessed with abundant wind and solar resources which are becoming increasingly cheaper to exploit, says the writer. Picture: Ayanda Ndamane/African News Agency (ANA) Archives

Published Feb 22, 2023


With shock and disbelief, the reader opens the article. “Impossible,” they utter under their breath, “there is no way this is South Africa.”

The reader would be correct.

The SA in question is in fact South Australia, a state down under which was effectively 100% powered by green energy for a week in December last year, with an Australian expert predicting it could extend to a month by early this year. The feat was hailed as a world first for a jurisdiction of its size.

Data from Australia’s National Energy Market showed that for the week of December 12-19, 2022, wind and solar contributed on average 103.5% towards the state’s energy demand. Yes, imagine producing more energy than you need. And renewable energy at that.

According to Australia’s ABC News, no coal was used during the period, but gas accounted for 5.9% of electricity when renewable sources were not enough to power the state at night.

The state's connection to the national electricity grid saw it import 3% of its net energy demand with the average cost per megawatt hour dropping to -A$26.35 (R263.5). One megawatt of energy would be able to meet the demands of 650 South African homes on average.

South Australian Premier Peter Malinauskas said it was a significant step.

"That has never occurred ever before in the history of the country," Mr Malinauskas said.

“We understand that it’s also a world-first for an entire jurisdiction to have all of its energy needs met across a seven-day period exclusively by renewables," he said.

“That shows you the potential of having renewables in the system, giving us an energy transition but also to a low-cost future when it comes to power."

Head of the Victoria Energy Policy Centre at Victoria University, Bruce Mountain, said it was another step on the renewable energy journey.

“A major milestone would be an annual measurement, South Australia getting more energy from wind and solar than all others and that will happen probably in about four to five years’ time,” Mountain said.

He said that South Australia could expect to see the state powered using green energy for a month by early next year.

Imagine living in South Africa where there is ample electricity, all the time. Instead, we have opted to be steadfast with our black gold and it is failing us.

South Africa is blessed with abundant wind and solar resources which are becoming increasingly cheaper to exploit. No room for corruption and kickbacks from the sun and wind then?

Current Affairs