#FeesMustFall activist #BonginkosiKhanyile graduates

Fees must fall leader Bonginkosi Khanyile, who was jailed for six months, graduated cum laude on Tuesday night at the Durban University of Technology. Picture: Sibonelo Ngcobo

Fees must fall leader Bonginkosi Khanyile, who was jailed for six months, graduated cum laude on Tuesday night at the Durban University of Technology. Picture: Sibonelo Ngcobo

Published May 9, 2017


Durban - Fees must fall leader, Bonginkosi Khanyile who was jailed for six months relating to student protest action, graduated cum laude on Tuesday night at the Durban University of Technology. 

Khanyile, 26, also received four distinctions for his third year in his National Diploma in Public Management and Economics, despite missing months of his academic year and writing his exams in prison.

Struggle songs, loud cheers and ululations erupted when Khanyile’s name was read out. His mother Phumzile Mkhathini and sister travelled from Eshowe to witness his big day. 

"I'm beyond happy. This is a day I have prayed for. I am very proud of my son. I'm coming back next year because he's going to be graduating for his BTech," she said.

Upon receiving his honour, Khanyile took out a red EFF beret and put it on.

Khanyile, is also a member of the EFF Student Command at DUT. EFF National Chairperson, Dali Mpofu, who represented Khanyile in his bail bid at the Constitutional Court also attended the graduation to acknowledge the the leadership of the student movements. 

He said fighting for free education did not mean students should neglect their studies.

The Mercury

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