#FeesMustFall activist Dlamini's case postponed again

Fees Must Fall student activist Mcebo Dlamini following court proceedings at the Johannesburg Magistrates Court on Tuesday. PHOTO: Lindi Masinga/ANA

Fees Must Fall student activist Mcebo Dlamini following court proceedings at the Johannesburg Magistrates Court on Tuesday. PHOTO: Lindi Masinga/ANA

Published Aug 29, 2017


Johannesburg - The case of student activist Mcebo Dlamini faced another delay on Tuesday at the Johannesburg Magistrate's Court  due to his legal representative falling ill.

Dlamini is facing charges of violating a court order, public violence, assault, theft, and damage to property related to the 2016 "fees must fall" protests at Wits University.

His legal representative, Thabo Kwinana, said via text message that due to unforeseen circumstances he was not able to make it to court on Tuesday morning.

Dlamini read the message sent to him by Kwinana to the court, in which Kwinana said that he was not well and would communicate when he would be able to make it to court.

Moments later Kwinana sent another text message saying that he would be able to make it to court any time after September 5.

The court granted the postponement but said it would be the final postponement that would be allowed.

Dlamini was arrested in October 2016, and was released on R2,000 bail in November by the Palm Ridge High Court.

Following proceedings on Tuesday, Dlamini said that he was frustrated by the constant postponements.

"I spoke to him yesterday and he didn't say he was sick, then he tells me when I'm in court that he is seeking medical assistance now.

"This is frustrating because some of us are still students, I've got nine subjects and next week is test week," he said.

The matter was postponed to September 7.

African News Agency

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