Joe McGluwa says SA youth lost hope for future and the will to vote

DA North West candidate Joe McGluwa says that young people had turned their backs on the elections because they did not believe in politicians. He said that all political parties owed it to the youth to regain its trust. Picture: ANA/Stringer

DA North West candidate Joe McGluwa says that young people had turned their backs on the elections because they did not believe in politicians. He said that all political parties owed it to the youth to regain its trust. Picture: ANA/Stringer

Published May 9, 2019


Mahikeng - The youth does not have any interest in voting, DA North West premier candidate Joe McGluwa said on Thursday.

"The youth does not have any appetite and what is happening about this corruption issues, people do not trust politicians anymore and they do not trust political parties anymore," McGluwa said. 

"It is difficult after 1994 for us to get through and speak to the youth to address their issues,"  he said.

He said it was for all the political parties to get all including the youth on board. 

"It is sad that the youth have lost hope, they have lost hope in the future, they have lost hope in the ruling party. 

"We as political parties I believe we can do ten times better to get them on board but, the concern is they vote but there is no service delivery, they vote they do not see the fruits. Everything just stays the same." 

McGluwa said he was also concerned about the turn out at Wednesday's sixth democratic election, adding that in 1994 people turn out in huge numbers to usher in the democratic dispensation. 

He said they were happy about the election and believe they would do well to be the official opposition in North West. "We are happy, we are  nervously excited for the election and wait for the results, we are positive."

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) toppled the DA as the official opposition in the 2014 election. 

By noon on Thursday, the DA had garnered 10.26 percent of the counted votes in the North West, the EFF 17.14 percent while the ANC was leading with 63.52 percent.

African News Agency (ANA)

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