#LandExpropriation: AfriForum wants lawful process, court hears

Picture: African News Agency (ANA) Archives

Picture: African News Agency (ANA) Archives

Published Nov 29, 2018


Cpe Town - An application by Afriforum to interdict Parliament from adopting a report recommending amending the Constitution to provide explicitly for land expropriation without compensation was not an attack on land reform, but an attempt to ensure a lawful process, the Western Cape High Court heard on Thursday.

Etienne Labuschagne, for Afriforum, argued the case hinged on whether there was meaningful public participation in the process undertaken by Parliament's constitutional review committee (CRC) before it adopted the report and sent it to the National Assembly, which is due to debate and vote on the report next week.

"My clients assert a constitutional right to meaningful participation in proceedings before the constitutional review committee," said Labuschagne.

He argued Parliament unlawfully delegated its powers of analysing the hundreds of thousands of submissions received from the public to an external service provider.

The civic organisation wants the court to interdict the National Assembly from adopting the report until such time as the court makes a final determination on the legality of the process leading up to its approval by MPs in the CRC.

African News Agency/ANA

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