LIVE FEED: State Capture Inquiry January 22, 2019

State capture commission chairperson deputy chief justice Raymond Zondo. Screengrab

State capture commission chairperson deputy chief justice Raymond Zondo. Screengrab

Published Jan 22, 2020


Johannesburg - The state capture commission will continue its focus on corruption allegations involving members of the SA Police Service. 

PricewaterhouseCoopers forensic investigator Trevor White is expected to wrap up his explosive evidence which began on Monday. The commission will also hear from Colonel Petrus Johannes Du Plooy and Advocate Bheki Felix Manyathi. 

White has detailed how senior police officers in KwaZulu-Natal individually benefited from aiding alleged criminal activities of controversial businessman Thoshan Panday.

White is one of a number of witnesses who testified before the commission on how Panday colluded with supply-chain management officers and other top cops to irregularly clinch contracts from the provincial SAPS at inflated prices in exchange for bribes to the involved cops.

The tenders, which saw Panday securing R47 million in 10 months, related to goods and services provided by Panday’s companies during the 2010 Fifa World Cup, including accommodation.

White said Colonel Navin Madhoe, who is fingered as having played a lead role in the scandal – allegedly receiving around R6 000 from Panday and paid trips for him and his family from Durban to Cape Town at the cost of R8 584, after Madhoe made a submission to the national commissioner’s office to authorise for the accommodation of cops in one of Panday’s residences.


According to White, Panday had also paid R43 500 to Varsity College for the son of Captain Aswin Narainpershad’s son in January 2010.

“This payment was made shortly after the submission was made to the national commissioner’s office on October 2009 to obtain authority for the accommodation of police personnel during the Soccer World Cup and where it was recorded that the only supplier who was able to accommodate police personnel was Gold Coast Trading (Panday’s company),” White said.

White said Narainpershad was also responsible for requesting quotations from suppliers, adding that one of the suppliers accused them of lying about having contacted them for a quotation for the tender.

Former KZN Hawks head Johan Booysen and retired former Scorpions investigator and Hawks Colonel Johannes van Loggerenberg previously told the commission how Panday was aided by top cops to inflate prices for the tenders.

On Monday, White told the commission the case against Panday would be winnable in a court of law as there was documentary evidence to support the criminal allegations against him and his accomplices.

Political Bureau

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