LIVE FEED: State Capture Inquiry October 2, 2019

210718 . Former SARS Commissioner Tom Moyane listens during his hearing in Sandton Johannesburg. Photo Simphiwe Mbokazi African News Agency/ANA 2

210718 . Former SARS Commissioner Tom Moyane listens during his hearing in Sandton Johannesburg. Photo Simphiwe Mbokazi African News Agency/ANA 2

Published Oct 2, 2019


Johannesburg - Former SARS commissioner Tom Moyane will for the second time try to petition deputy chief justice Raymond Zondo for permission to cross-examine Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan. 

This application on Wednesday morning will be Moyane's second attempt following his first application being dismissed in April. 

The former commissioner remains determined to cross-examine Gordhan after he implicated him in testimony when appeared last year. 

Gordhan had appeared at the inquiry last year and spoke about state capture and his battle with Moyane while he was finance minister. He implicated Moyane in three instances. 


Zondo substantiated his decision to dismiss the application based on Moyane's failure to convince him that the application would of benefit to the commission's work. 

Moyane had also failed to explain where in Gordhan's submission he contested. 


His testimony was instead focused on the personal animosity and his insistence that Gordhan ran a rogue unit at SARS. 

He will likely make a similar argument related to the alleged SARS rogue unit. 


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