LIVE: Parliament hearings on changing Section 25 of Constitution

Published Sep 4, 2018


Cape Town - Parliament's Constitutional Review Commission is conducting hearings on changing Section 25 of the Constitution to allow for land expropriation without compensation. 

It has set aside four days for presentations by banks, businesses, lawyers, labour unions, NGOs, faith groups and the agricultural sector.


The proposed change to the Constitution to accommodate land expropriation without compensation is a direct result of a resolution adopted at the ANC's national elective conference in December last year.

The ruling party aims to use the process to speed up land reform which has not kept pace with the population's growing need for housing and land.

The issue of expropriation without compensation has divided South Africans with many seeing it as an excuse for land grabs, but President Cyril Ramaphosa has been at pains to stress to South Africans and the international community that the process will be as fair and orderly as possible.


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